熱烈なドクター・フーのファンだけに Meta Questの「Doctor Who: The Edge of Time」は、特にゲームプレイと技術的実行について批判の声が上がっている。 よくある苦情はいくつかの重要な領域に焦点を当てる:
1. 動きの問題:プレイヤーはゲーム内の動きがだらだらしていると報告し、ナビゲーションが面倒くさい。 これは、VRで期待される没入感から大幅に引き離されます。特に、素早い動きが不可欠なゲームでは。 2. パズルとゲームプレイ:パズルはしばしば退屈でインスピレーションを与えないと表現されます。 多くのユーザーは、それらを繰り返し、十分に挑戦していないことがわかったので、単調なゲーム体験につながる可能性があります。 この問題は、ゲームの全体的な直線性と自由の欠如によって構成されています。これは、プレイヤーがDoctor Who 宇宙を完全に探求することを制限しています。 3. テクニカルショート:ゲームは低予算のシーンや視覚的な制限など、さまざまな技術的な問題に苦しんでいる。 Nintendo Switchなど、プラットフォームによってはビジュアルが弱く、ゲーム全体の魅力を低下させている。 これらの技術的な問題は、ゲームプレイのフローを妨害し、ゲームの没入的な可能性を低下させる可能性があります。 4. ストーリーとエンゲージメント:DaleksやWeeping Angelsを含む最愛のドクター・フーの要素やキャラクターが含まれているが、ストーリーテリングはゲーム全体でプレイヤーを関わらせるのに十分に魅力的ではないと批判されている。 ジョディ・ウィテカーの声優の含みはハイライトだったが、他の弱点を解消するには十分ではなかった。
これらの欠点にもかかわらず、ゲームは本物の恐怖の瞬間と、熱狂的なドクター・フーをアピールするかもしれないファンサービスを提供しています。 しかし、カジュアルゲーマーやDoctor Who universeに初めて入った人にとっては、ゲームの欠点はノスタルジックな価値を上回る可能性がある
LOVE THIS, BUT I CAN'T PLAY IT ! it's really scary for me and you feel too immersed when the lights go out.I immediately get scared, which is annoying because it's really good quality. I got to level 2 😢.I will keep trying, though.You feel like your apart of an episode it's like an escape room adventure.You feel like you are there!
素晴らしいゲーム**タイトル:**時空を超えた没入型アドベンチャー**評価:** 5/5星**レビューコード使用😃タイニー(,) cc/DWEOT😃(,) を . Allons-y!ドクター・フー エッジ・オブ・タイム」は、象徴的なフランチャイズの豊かな歴史と最先端のバーチャルリアリティ技術がシームレスに融合した没入型VRアドベンチャーです。プレイヤーはドクターの忠実な仲間として、時空を超えたスリリングな旅に出発し、おなじみの敵に遭遇したり、新たな同盟を結んだりする。このゲームはVRの機能を見事に活用し、プレイヤーをドクター・フーの世界の中心へといざない、真に魅惑的な体験を作り出します。ターディスに乗り込んだ瞬間から、驚きと興奮の世界に包まれる。象徴的なコンソール・ルームは細部まで再現され、複雑な操作や明滅するライトも完璧だ。ドクターの存在は手に取るようにわかり、その声が船内にこだまするのが聞こえてきそうだ。この没入感は、ジョディ・ウィテカーが13代目ドクターを的確に演じているこのゲームの卓越した声優陣によってさらに高められている。ゲームのシナリオは、タイムトラベルの悪ふざけ、エイリアンとの遭遇、道徳的ジレンマが融合した魅惑的なものだ。プレイヤーは、現実の構造を脅かす謎めいた陰謀を解き明かすことになる。その道中では、旧友から新たな同盟国まで、それぞれにユニークな個性と物語を持つ多彩な登場人物に出会うことになる。このゲームのパズルは巧妙に設計されており、魅力的で、冒険にさらなる挑戦と陰謀を加えてくれる。しかし、このゲームを真に際立たせているのはVR要素だ。真に物理的な方法で周囲の環境と相互作用する能力は爽快だ。ドクターの必需品であるソニックドライバーは、VRでは驚くほど自然に扱え、物体を正確に操作してパズルを解くことができる。ゲームの環境は、ロンドンの賑やかな通りからエイリアンの惑星の荒涼とした風景まで、綿密に作り込まれている。細部へのこだわりは目を見張るものがあり、まるで『ドクター・フー』の世界の中心に迷い込んだかのような錯覚を覚えずにはいられない。ドクター・フー The Edge of Time』は、このシリーズのファンなら誰もがプレイすべき作品だ。スリリングで、没入感があり、忘れられない冒険で、もっともっとと思わせてくれる。ベテランのコンパニオンも、シリーズ初心者も、このゲームはあなたの想像力をかきたて、時空を超えた忘れられない旅へと誘うに違いない。
Brilliant game. **Title:** An Immersive Adventure Through Time and Space
**Rating:** 5/5 stars
**Review:** Use code 😃tiny (,) cc/DWEOT😃 Replace (,) with .
Allons-y! Doctor Who: The Edge of Time is an immersive VR adventure that seamlessly blends the iconic franchise's rich history with cutting-edge virtual reality technology. As a loyal companion to the Doctor, players embark on a thrilling journey through time and space, encountering familiar foes and forging new alliances. The game masterfully utilizes VR's capabilities to create a truly captivating experience, transporting players into the heart of the Doctor Who universe.
From the moment you step into the TARDIS, you're enveloped in a world of wonder and excitement. The iconic console room is meticulously recreated, complete with its intricate controls and flickering lights. The Doctor's presence is palpable, and you can almost hear their voice echoing through the ship. This sense of immersion is further enhanced by the game's exceptional voice acting, with Jodie Whittaker delivering a spot-on portrayal of the Thirteenth Doctor.
The game's narrative is a captivating blend of time-travel shenanigans, alien encounters, and moral dilemmas. Players are tasked with unraveling a mysterious plot that threatens the very fabric of reality. Along the way, they'll encounter a diverse cast of characters, from old friends to new allies, each with their own unique personalities and stories to tell. The game's puzzles are cleverly designed and engaging, adding an extra layer of challenge and intrigue to the adventure.
But it's the game's VR elements that truly set it apart. The ability to interact with your surroundings in a truly physical way is exhilarating. The sonic screwdriver, a staple of the Doctor's arsenal, feels incredibly natural to wield in VR, allowing you to manipulate objects and solve puzzles with precision. The game's environments are meticulously crafted, from the bustling streets of London to the desolate landscapes of alien planets. The attention to detail is remarkable, and you can't help but feel like you've been transported into the heart of the Doctor Who universe.
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time is a must-play for any fan of the franchise. It's a thrilling, immersive, and unforgettable adventure that will leave you wanting more. Whether you're a seasoned companion or a newcomer to the series, this game is sure to capture your imagination and take you on an unforgettable journey through time and space.
Good puzzle game with a major problem. This game looked incredible with great challenging puzzles to really test yourself. But there is one huge problem. The game tells you how to solve the puzzle every ten seconds, I feel like the game is insulting the players intelligence. Furthermore there is no way to turn these hints off which makes the whole game not worth playing. Only buy this game if you are horrible at puzzles but love the thirteenth doctor (for whatever reason), but if you want a puzzle game then this ISN'T for you.
Really good graphics and I felt frightened like it was real
I'm the doctor.... Well, sort of. I have had so much fun with this game and trying to find the collectibles. While some of the puzzles were a bit challenging, I never had a dull moment. I can see myself replaying this again and again.
Very very bad. Shame on the devs. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS. In fact I would like a refund myself, and here’s why:
As a person who’s watched NewWho since they were 5 years old, I’m a bit offended by the fact that this game was so lazily made.
All they did was make like 5 actual puzzles total and the rest is filler garbage gameplay that I personally could code in maybe 2 hours, with some doctor who villains slapped in there. The weeping angel section was kind of cool… the first time it happened. But they repeat the exact same sequence, get this, FOUR TIMES. And each time I was thinking “oh maybe it’ll get harder and there’ll be more than a single angel.” Nope.
The plot of the game is so stupid but it’s still better than any actual 13th Doctor episode.
Just.. don’t waste your money on it. I tried this game the first time and didn’t like it at all, and refunded it. I bought it again with Christmas money because of the new DLC:
The devs are absolutely horrible for making the DLC the way they did. The only thing you get out of it is a new sonic screwdriver with which to play the horrible game you JUST finished. So not only did they model the entire RTD era TARDIS to trick you into thinking it’ll be worth it, not only did they hide artifacts throughout the game, some of which are unfindable (rassilon’s scrolls 😡), but they make you do an entire quiz based on outside knowledge of not just the revival but the classic show, JUST TO GET A NEW SONIC. You don’t get to fly the TARDIS, you don’t get to play a new storyline, you just get to complete a f$&”ing buzzfeed quiz and go play the game again.
Shame on you for making this game the way you did, shame on you for making the dlc in such a way to scam me into playing your game, and shame on you for making me hate the only Doctor Who VR game in existence.
Good game. The voice talks way to much and I thought I would be able to actually fly the tardis
Disappointing. Crap controls and annoying repeating voice overs that make the doctor sound like your average nagging mother (in law)/granny made me hit the uninstall button after two tries
I love doctor who. ♥️ I'm obsessed. There are a lot of glitches in the game. You get stuck in certain places. Just exit the game and start back over. And you'll be able to get back-and-forth in certain areas. Sometimes, it doesn't pick you up in the room, so you have to consistently keep waving your hands. Touch the dryer. The picture is pretty much everything in the room. Sometimes, you have to come out and restart. Do your wheel fall through the floor or sometimes . The game needs more work but if you are a doctor who's fan like I am just restart the game and your stuff will reappear if it disappears, and you'll be put back in the area you're supposed to be in. Right now, i've been chased by the angels And they keep popping up out of nowhere so I have to quit. I'll get back on later