Physically Immersive. Everything about the game from the way you move to the way you use your sling really makes you feel fully involved. You're not just playing as David by moving a joystick, you ARE David by pumping your arms and swinging your sling. The whole thing feels so intense and satisfying as you master the mechanics and defeat your enemies.
DVG What a Great Experience. 基本を学び始めたばかりですが、すでに素晴らしいゲームです。細部へのこだわりは素晴らしい! (石が木に当たったり、樹皮が剥がれたりします)。オオカミが羊の一匹を盗むと、羊は助けを求めて鳴き、まるで自分のペットの一匹であるかのように、襲ってきた相手の顎から助け出したくなるのです。ダビデがこの世で体験したであろうことを、私が体験し続けることで、どんな展開が待っているのか、楽しみです。これはとてもユニークな体験なので、ぜひお勧めします。 このようなゲームがもっとたくさん出てきますように。よくできたチームです。
DVG What a Great Experience. Just started learning the basics and already it's a great game. Attention to detail is GREAT!! (stone hits tree and chips of some bark). Wolf steals one of the sheep, sheep cries for help and makes you 'want' to rescue it from the jaws of its attacker, just the same as if it were one of my own pets. I look forward to seeing what unfolds as I continue experiencing what David would have experienced during his life upon this earth. This is a very unique experience that I highly recommend. May we see more to this type of game available. Well done team.
Gospel Entertainment-. DVG is a great choice for a video game adaptation. Protecting your family and your people. Standing up to overwhelming odds is something that keeps the kids attention.
The game mechanics took a bit to get used to but most people are not used to using a sling so it was fun to learn.
The kids enjoyed watching each other play and got to know a familiar bible story from a new perspective. Wish there were more games like this.
DvG is a GTH. DvG is a got to have in our families oculus library. It’s a fantastic, fun, and educational game. The leveled are progressive and get harder and harder until you have to slay Goliath.
The sling motion feels natural and you get the hang of it quickly but for the younger folks there is a nice sling shot motion that is fun to play.
Great game and totally worth it in every way!
最高のゲーム。これは間違いなく最高のゲームだ😁私は主であり救い主であるイエス・キリストを愛し、家族を愛し、そしてついに神の言葉である聖書🥰😄から直接来るものを楽しむことができるようになった。これ以上のものはない。Y'all have to do more like these, stories from the Bible 🙌🏿💕 I get sick and tired of all these demonic death video games it is so overrated. もううんざりだ。これは私の家族にとってとても新鮮です。本当にありがとうございます。
Best game on here. This is the best game on here hands down😁 I love my lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my family and I finally have something to enjoy that comes straight from the word of God, The Holy Bible🥰😄. It doesn't get any better than this. Y'all have to do more like these, stories from the Bible 🙌🏿💕 I get sick and tired of all these demonic death video games it is so overrated. I'm so over it. This is so refreshing for my family. Thank you all so much and keep up the great work and I'll keep supporting
David verses Goliath. David verses Goliathのゲームは期待を裏切りませんでした。挑戦的でエキサイティングなゲームです。ゲームが進むにつれ、レベルが上がっていきます。ゲームのテンポの良さがツアーの興味を引き、何度かプレイしているうちに操作方法をマスターすることができます。ミニゲームやアーケードも楽しくてやりがいがあります。 家族で楽しめる、やりがいのあるゲームを作ってくれた制作者に感謝します。このゲームは、聖書の「ダビデとゴリアテ」の物語に基づいています。このゲームは、家族みんなで何時間も楽しむことができます。Oculusをお持ちの方は、David verses Goliathのゲームを購入して、家中の人に試してもらうことをお勧めします。このゲームが発売されると、ゲームのリーダーボードは1時間ごとに変わるのではないでしょうか。ビギナーからプロまで、あなたのスキルに挑戦してください。私と同じように楽しんでいただきたいと思います。
David verses Goliath. The David verses Goliath game did not disappoint! It is challenging and exciting. The levels get more challenging as game progresses. The tempo of the game keeps tour interest and with some time playing the controls can be mastered! The mini games and arcade are fun and challenging also! Thanks to the creators of the game for creating a family friendly game that is challenging. The game is based on the Bible story of David and Goliath. The game provides hours of fun for everyone in your household. If you have an Oculus I recommend you buy the David verses Goliath game and get everyone in your house to try it! I suspect the game leaderboard will change every hour as this game rolls out. From beginner to pro it will challenge your skills! I hope you enjoy it as much as I am.