Surge』は、新世代のVRヘッドセット向けに制作された初のリアルタイムVRミュージックビデオのひとつであり、ミュージックビデオのメディアとしてのVRの可能性に驚くべき洞察を与えてくれる。音楽と視覚効果のシームレスな融合は、まさにこの世のものとは思えない圧倒的な体験の中で命を吹き込まれる。見なければ信じられない。Surge』は、3DアニメーターでミュージシャンのArjan van Meertenによって制作された。
Surge is one of the first real-time VR music videos created for the new generation VR headsets and gives amazing insight in the possibilities of VR as a medium for music videos. The seamless fusion between music and visual effects come to life in an overwhelming experience which is truly out of this world. You have to see it to believe it. Surge was created by 3D animator and musician Arjan van Meerten.
Short but really good. Well, I loved it. There's a real sense of presence with this. It's a strange land where you experience some sort of intelligence. Good music. I'd like to know if the maker has done anything similar since. Good music that needs to be loud and abrasive (because that fits the atmosphere that is being transmitted).
絶対的に見事にシンプル。 クエストで利用できるのを見てみたい
Absolutely brilliantly simple. Would love to see it available for the quest
A neat music video in VR. Nothing really crazy, but some blocks progressing to the music. I could see something like this expanding into a full album if you just wanted to watch visuals inspired by music. It’s worth checking out, as it is free, if you want to see more than the store trailer in actual 3D.
Not the most interesting VR music video. The music itself kinda sucks, but it was one of the first, and takes proper advantage of VR in a simple way. Not to be confused with Surge, a citrus flavored soft drink developed by the New Products team at Coca-Cola Atlanta in 1997
Terrible. I swear I did not get the same app everyone else did. I first tried this with my Rift headphones all the way up. It was as painful as the shrill shrieks in A Large Quantity of Mushrooms. OK, my bad for having my volume up, So I retried it with the volume almost off. Bearable, but the bright mushroom cloud was actually painful to look at. I’m happy people liked it, but if you are sensitive to certain noises or bright lights this will drop you like a stun gun.