Meta Horizon Worldsは、現実の人々とリアルタイムで交流できるソーシャル体験です。 誰もが守らなければならないルールがあり、特に10代の若者のための安全設定とツールがあります。 詳しくはバーチャル体験のための行動規範をお読みください。
Meta Horizon Worlds is a social experience where you can interact with real people in real time. There are rules everyone must follow, and there are safety settings and tools specifically for teens. Read our Code of Conduct for Virtual Experiences for more information.
I want to like this. My avatars body was completely messed up, just a blur of stretched meshes. I got through the creation tutorial, but when in preview mode i could barely see, super unfortunate I'll keep checking occasionally to see if its fixed. hoping it does get fixed because I want to get into this.
Character stretched. When I get into the game my character is stretched all over the place, I tried to fix the issue by reinstalling the game and even the whole oculus program and nothing has fixed it. If anyone has a way to fix it my discord is (Mouse#7861) it would mean alot if someone could help me out.
Game-Breaking Avatar Bug. My avatar's arms are stretched 10 feet long and bent at all sorts of weird angles. I have no head. My character litterally looks like a ball of noodles. This is a major game-breaking bug and I cannot find any solution online. I can't find any troubleshooting tips. I can't even find a support forum for this game. If I could give lower than 1 star, I would.
Not Sure What the Big Problem Is. 競合他社よりも少し「人間的」で成熟した感じがする、アクセスしやすいソーシャルスペースだと思います。 また、ゲーム内で直接ワールドや体験を作成できるツールも提供しており、空間を自分好みにしたい人にとって、参入障壁が低くなるのはいいことだと思います。 個人的には、この先どうなっていくのかに興味があります。
Not Sure What the Big Problem Is. It's an accessible social space that feels a little more "human" and mature than the competition. Also offers tools to create worlds and experiences directly in-game, which is a nice touch and lowers the barrier of entry for people that want to personalize a space. Personally, I'm interested to see where this goes over time.