Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!(カジュアル、スポーツ、音楽)のスクリーンショット
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Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!(カジュアル、スポーツ、音楽)の概要
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Song BeaterはステロイドのVRリズム/フィットネスゲームです。 Fit Boxingモード(シングルプレイヤーおよびマルチプレイヤーモード)では、60曲以上の収録曲やビデオを素手の拳で打ち負かしたり(または自分の曲を追加することも可能)、Free Styleモードでは様々な武器(ブレード、トンファー、フェイザー、スタッフ、ノコギリ)を振り回したり、Real 360モードではプレイフィールドを支配しよう。 グローバルおよびフレンドリーダーボード、実績、消費カロリー統計。 カスタムソングとカスタムビデオに対応。 - 6つのゲームモード、シングルプレイとマルチプレイ(ボイスチャット付き- 8つのゲーム環境(スペース、ダークアイランド、古代エジプト、アーリーアクセステーマ、フライングドラゴン、ウィンター、ディープオーシャン、クラブ)- 5つの難易度 (ライト、ジェントル、ノーマル、インテンシブ、そして...インポッシブル)- 30種類の実績- ファミリーパーティーモード; 曲のスピード設定 (90-150%)、ワンハンドオプション、ノーフェイルオプション; 色のカスタマイズ; 数種類のレーザー障害物、固定、移動; レベルエディター利用可能
Song Beater is a VR rhythm/fitness game on steroids. Beat 60+ included songs and videos (or add your own) with your bare fists in Fit Boxing mode (singleplayer and multiplayer), wield variety of weapons (blades, tonfas, phasers, staff, saw) in Free Style or dominate the playfield in Real 360 mode. Global and friends leaderboards, achievements, calories burnt statistics. Custom songs and videos support.
- 6 game modes, singleplayer and multiplayer with voice-chat - 8 game environments (Space, Dark Island, Ancient Egypt, Early Access theme, Flying Dragon, Winter, Deep Ocean, The Club) - 5 difficulty levels (light, gentle, normal, intense and... impossible) - 30 achievements - Family party mode; Song speed settings (90-150%), one-hand and no-fail options; Color customizations; Several types of laser obstacles, stationary and moving; Level editor available
Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!(カジュアル、スポーツ、音楽)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!(カジュアル、スポーツ、音楽)の評価とレビュー
Terrible hit registration. If you've played beat saber this is not going to be for you. This was easy, very easy. The only thing that makes it harder is the notes blocking your view on the harder levels. The harder levels are less work too, as you have to time to actaully punch, so you end up just letting the notes hit your hands with your arms out stretched.
The second thing you notice after being able to do a few songs on expert+ on BeatSaber is that the hit registration on this game is a flop, dont get me wrong you can hit 98% of the note without any issue. However every now and then dispite moving to hit a note it will give a miss even if you made the hit on screen.
The saber mode is aweful, really really bad. I found the punching one to be the best mode. All the others are just there to give the game more appeal or so it felt. I dunno, personally I cant recommend it, not to say some people wont enjoy it I guess, but i was spoiled by beat saber before playing this game.
D Batchelor. With the correct environment this game is superb, if you're unhappy with the boxvr changes this is the game for you great fun and recommend highly.
Really impressed! I can’t remember if I got this on sale or it was just a really good price but I wasn’t expecting much, but I’m so impressed! This is as good, if not better than other workout rhythm games that are much more well-known. I’m using this with the link on my Quest2 and really hope this gets ported over to the Quest with crossover buy! I think this would be a huge success on the Quest and be able to compete with Audio Trip (I think this is BETTER) and Synth Rider and this is so much more fun than Supernatural at a fraction of the price! I haven’t tried FitXR yet but this seems similar.
There are many things to customize (I now have all the same color controllers in all my rhythm apps to make it easier.) You can punch or use swords or other weapons but I definitely like punching the best. (I imagine punching Trump for the best workout lol.) I haven’t figured out how to add custom songs yet but there seems to be spot for them. Are there any instructions how to add them?
The only negatives I have is that some songs are MUCH harder than others on the same level of difficulty and some songs are ridiculously easy, it feels odd that they are both listed as as the same level of difficulty. Also sometimes the “sun” coming up behind the ship gets too bright and makes it harder to see the targets. And the calorie counting is way off, it says I’m burning calories when I’m just standing there waiting for the targets to start. But so happy I got this! I know I will be spending a lot of time playing it.
Fun game , enjoy playing . but .. email. First, thank you for this fun exercise game .
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Good workout and many options to play with. I love to try this with the Quest without the wire, will try to get it from side load if possible , and it is cross buy free to the Quest with the purchase from this .. right ? Can you help me to install your game into my new Quest 2 .. if possible.
Please keep up this great game and more update are welcome and looking forward to next update .. Yes I do recommend to buy this game for everyone .. thank you again ..
good music and a lot of fun. good music and a lot of fun,
Please make it for the Quest! I absolutely love it. (few things: I sometimes don't see the orbs because other ones are in the way. And I hate the voice when I miss a hit. But the rest is awesome!) But I hate not having the freedom of being cordless. I am so used to playing on the Quest so I really hope you will make it for the Quest too. Again love it!
どうしてこのゲームが人気がないのか理解できない。ビートに合わせて流れを見つけてオーブを打ち抜くのがとても楽しかった。 私は、グラフィックスはあなたを吹き飛ばすことはありません推測しています - しかし、ゲームは FUN であり、これは何が重要なのです。 だから、良いワークアウトのゲームを探している場合は - これはあなたが試してみたいものです
Delivers for me what Synth Riders didn't. So after 'not clicking' with Synth Riders I was looking for some other rythm game to play (other than Beat Saber of course) and stumbled upon this little gem. It took one play on Normal difficulty to get hooked.
Feel like a kicka** boxer? Check Punch the orbs according to the beat and show'em who's boss? Check Customised colors for BS addicts? Check Roughly 40 tracks of various genres? Check Custom Songs? Check Decent price tag? Check Many playstyles and modes? Check Sweat like a pig? Check Arms in pain for days after playing...? Well err.. maybe I should have rested some more - Check. Oh - FUN?! Check!
For the life of me I don't understand how this game isn't more popular, it was so much fun finding the flow with the beat and punching through the orbs is extremely satisfying. I'm guessing the graphics won't blow you away - but the game is FUN and this is what matters. So if you are on the lookout for good workout games - this is the one you want to try!