Experience the thrill and sensation of 4 unique roller coaster experiences. Feel the wind rush through your virtual hair as you ride some of the most enjoyable and immersive VR coasters on the market.
not for those with short attention spans. i don't get some people on here. they give these short reviews that trash the game with absolutely no explanation except 'it's boring'. yeah sure buddy, how come i enjoyed it so much then. some people just like complain about everything. trust me, they're full of it. i've played it a bunch of times and I'm still not tired of it. I've seen all the other coaster games that are available and this was one of the best. Kinda makes me wonder if they're being paid by competitors to give bad reviews. And fyi people if it makes you queasy don't play. It's a coaster game for crying out loud.
Space is no place for a coaster. Compared to other coaster games I have played this is pretty meh. Space also is no ideal place for a rollar coaster because you have no sense of your position above the ground.
Cosntant speed shifts break immersion. I guess the coasters speed is internally recalculated every 2 seconds. At least what I see is that the coaster slows down over 2 seconds and then gets a noticable boost - this loops repeats during the whole ride. It feel slike being kicked around, and it totally breaks immersion. :-/
は無料であるべき。 悪くはないが、いくらなんでも価値はない
should be free. not bad but not worth any amount of money
Not Amazing, but Not Terrible. A fairly standard rollercoaster experience. Nothing spectacular here but the graphics are nice, it's a shame everything either takes place in a macro-scale (space) or a micro-scale (outdoors/room). You don't really get a sense of vertigo, well at least I didn't.
The room rollercoaster was by far the best but also the shortest.
The experiences, combined, make for around 12.5 minutes of entertainment, they aren't really amazing enough to revisit, except perhaps after a significant amount of time has passed, so replayability is pretty low for me.
It is what it is. I got it for my brother, who is 5. He loves it, but quality wise it feels floaty and underwhelming. It's not terrible, though. Don't expect too much