Go For a Walkは、非直線性、ユーザーとのインタラクション、チルビートを作ることに重点を置いた音楽VR体験だ!他の音楽ゲームや体験とは異なり、Go For a Walkには始まりも終わりもありません。 その代わり、音楽環境は、あなたが周囲の環境と関わることで進化し、自然なVRインタラクションによってダイナミックなアレンジメントを生み出します。 つまり、目に映るものすべてを指さして、素敵なサウンドに耳を傾けてください!
Go For a Walk is a musical VR experience emphasizing non-linearity, user interaction, and making chill beats!
Unlike other musical games and experiences, Go For a Walk has no set beginning or end. Instead the musical environment evolves as you engage your surroundings, creating a dynamic arrangement through natural VR interaction.
In other words, point at everything you see and listen to the nice sounds!
Serene, relaxing and beautiful. The more time you spend in it, the more it grabs you somehow. Initially it seems a little low poly and movement isn't very intuitive but there's something very strange and relaxing about this experience. The fact that there really isn't something you have to do adds to the calmness you feel in it. There's a surreal quality to it. It reminds me of some dreams I've had. I like it.
美しく、リラックスでき、ユニーク。 ローポリのアセット、VR用の不明瞭な動きのコントロール、奇妙なUIデザインなど、『Go For A Walk』に没頭するには少し時間がかかりますが、そのハードルを越える価値は十分にあります。
Beautiful, relaxing and unique. Although it takes a moment to get into Go For A Walk, through it's low poly assets, obscure movement controls for VR and odd UI design, it is well worth passing that hurdle.
The game is hugely intuitive (once you figure out movement!) and provides a beautiful, safe and calming space to explore. Definitely worth a go, especially as it's free.
Really look forward to seeing more from it's developer!
Great Fun! I was going to write about fantastic Mr. Fox, but our in world buddy now seems to be a corgi! Still it's a cute app where you can play with a cybernetic style fox in the outer world and take a corgi on a musical journey on the inner. I'm guessing the fox may have been swapped out due to there being spirit fox and wolf games out right now, but for free it's still a lot of fun to watch those stubby little legs fly over the terrain. And corgis are just as willful as foxes it would seem, so there's that.
If I had any criticisms it would be that smooth turning for us would be nice, and to see the bite and jump features of the outer world transferred to the inner. Also, I know it's asking a lot for free, but will the fox return?
I think it runs on smaller headsets. I might have preferred a closer camera, but still, this is a joyous, comfortable romp through a lovely dream world. I liked exploring, and it's a large land. The music is wonderful. You need to go for a walk, there, buddy.