Alexandro volunteers for a dream experiment. He is not aware that the scientists will inject him with Elsa, an Artificial Intelligence which will digitize and take over his subconscious to help her turn into a human being.
Give this little gem a whirl! Although the initial video quality at the outset is a bit degraded and pixelated, I found this to be a uniquely enjoyable experience overall as the visuals became steadily more "psychedelic" in nature. The acting is actually competent with the light motif sketch of story engaging. As VR is still in it's infancy as an entertainment and communications medium, it is truly exciting to see what Creative Minds can create with this esoteric "blank canvas". Cheers!
Interesting concept technically mediocre. This short film tries to be arty and sometimes succeeds in it when photographic visuals transform into a kind of abstract paintings and the actors are better than average. But most of the time the visual effects are hammering onto your eyes - too much moving and floating blurriness with a stomach sickening effect. While this might be a desired effect in some movies, here it is only distracting and kept my mind off the story. Thus the scenes felt too long and I just wanted them to proceed.
Quite the awesome hidden gem. It is just a story, and short at that, and also the video is not high quality; probably in 2016-2017 that was about as high quality as 180 degree cameras could go for non-multi-million-dollar productions anyway. But the content is so good. Not overly-acted like a lot of the other experiences. Not standard cliche'd scenes. And not "100% cutesy and safe for the family". Pretty much a very good sci-fi-esque short episode. Just watch it already.
ユニークな体験。 VRで全く新しいものを見たい方にはとても面白かったです
Unique experience. This was very interesting if you want to see something completely new in VR
夢を見ているような気分になり、試してみる価値があります。 夢を見ているような気分になりました。
画質は最高ではありませんが、そのおかげでより夢のように感じられます。 超クールなコンセプ
Felt like dreaming, worth a try. Amazing experiance with a good story could have been a better ending.
Quality is not the best (but it does make it feel more like a dream) Super cool consept!
Very good, really impressed! Very cool cyber reality type sci-fi short story. Takes a few minutes to set the scene and get things going but well worth sticking with.
Yes, the video is a bit on the low res side, but what they do with it is very good and quite creative. It's well acted and overall the production quality is good.
This is the sort of thing that makes VR stand out from other story telling mediums. Look forward to seeing what they do next.
素晴らしい体験でした。 クエスト2で観ました。面白い映像と素晴らしい演技でした。
great experience. watched it on quest 2. interesting visuals and great acting