ダンス・スルー・オズエレクトロ・スウィングのサウンドトラックに合わせて、オズの世界を走り、ジャイブし、揺れながらストーリーを展開しよう。 邪悪な魔女に向かって旅をしながら、幻想的な土地を探検しよう。 GET MOVIN'肉体的に魅力的で、超エネルギッシュなアクション満載のアドベンチャー。 魅力的なダンスビートに合わせて、敵とぶつかり、魔法のクリスタルを集め、パワーアップアイテムを発動させよう。 VRに対応ドロシーがオズの魔法使いと結んだ不思議な同盟を解き明かし、悪い魔女と決着をつけよう。 気まぐれなファンタジーとコメディーが完璧に融合した、VR専用にデザインされたエフェクトと同じくらい魅力的なストーリーに没頭しよう。 しかし、あまり深刻になりすぎず、しっかりと舌を巻きながら世界を駆け抜けよう。 遊びやすく、マスターしがいのあるゲーム3つの難易度モードにより、カジュアルからハードコアゲーマーまで、動き続けながら最大限の力が試されるVRチャレンジをお楽しみいただけます。
DANCE THROUGH OZ Run, jive, and bob your way through the world of Oz to an electro-swing soundtrack, while the story unfolds. Explore fantastical lands as you journey towards the Wicked Witch.
GET MOVIN' A physically engaging, hyper-energetic, action-packed adventure. Clash with enemies, collect magic crystals, and activate power-ups, all to an irresistible dance beat.
BUILT FOR VR Unravel the curious alliance Dorothy makes with the Wizard of Oz to settle a score with the maybe-not-so-Wicked Witch. Immerse yourself in a story that’s as compelling as the effects—a perfect blend of whimsical fantasy and comedy, designed specifically for VR. But don’t take yourself too seriously—run through the world with your tongue firmly in-cheek.
EASY TO PLAY, CHALLENGING TO MASTER Three modes of difficulty ensure that, from Casual to Hardcore gamers, you’ll enjoy a VR challenge that keeps you moving and tests you to the max.
Run away from this game. This is a VR music rhythm game / endless runner. It's not good at either. The gameplay is unimaginative, boring, & repetitive. The jazzy soundtrack is bad. Sounds like what you'd listen to in an elevator in hell or in a Siberian dance hall in the late 70s. The only real positive I can say about this game is that it is a good workout and it ran fairly well (90 fps) on my 1060 GTX. It's running on the Unity Engine and the visuals are passable I suppose. If you're thinking about getting this for your little kid, don't. The subject matter is adult-themed.