Works on Quest 3 and better than most. This is one of the better visual music experiences that one can sit and watch. There is no touch controller interaction here, but it does a great job of sucking you into the experience.
Other designers and musicians take note. If you design for VR or work on soundtracks for VR games or experiences, take note of this app. This hits all the marks for a great experience in virtual reality. The visuals are well optimized, so there seems to be nothing lacking in the graphics. They work very well with the excellent soundtrack. This experience is over rather quickly, but I know for sure that I'll return to it often because the music is unlikely to get old. I hope to see more from this designer and hear more from this producer.
Gorgeous. What a beautifully-crafted mix of audio-visual delights. Outstanding; thank you very very much; I'm slowly going blind from glaucoma, so believe me I really appreciate seeing something as beautiful as this. xxxxxx
Amazing! You get one track and its pretty much the perfect track for a single experience, well put together and runs like a dream, its such a shame the user cant input their own music and have all the hard work that the dev put in as a visualizer! I do recommend this however.
Very relaxing. I downloaded this a while ago because it was free so I didn't know what to expect, but I ended up loving it when I finally decided to give it a go. It's very relaxing. Just sit back and enjoy the music and the light show. It isn't the kind of music that I listen to, but I ended up playing it again and again. It's very unique and a great VR experience
本当に良い没入感。 こういうのを見ると、私が人間を愛する理由を思い出させてくれます。
Really good inmersive experience. This types of things remind me why I love humanity.
One of my favorit. Just sit down and enjoy this fantastic audiovisual journey. I wish there would be more VR experience like this. But you need good headphones!!!
Since I use the Rift S with it's kind of speakers, I really get angry about FB when I want to enjoy this app. And whit my 2.1 speakers to much immersion get lost. The speakers of the CV1 have been pretty good. So why??? Market analyses?Much immersion comes even from the sound.
But sorry, I forgot myself... I would give 6 stars this smooth floating trip! Please more ;)
非常に印象的な同期。 音楽はOkでしたが、これは素晴らしいビジュアルでした!
Very impressive sync. Music was Ok, but this was great visuals!
Abosolutly Amazing. 素晴らしかった
Abosolutly Amazing. was amazing
素晴らしかったです。 素晴らしかったです!今までで最高のVRです
amazing. wow just wow that was amazing ! best vr sofar
Best Light/Graphic to music in VR. Love the whole 4-5 minute display to electronic I've ever seen. More Please! - I curate Spotify songs then create pllaylists. Like ''Above & Beyond', ''ZHU', 'Eli & Fur', 'Zedd', 'Calvin Harris' etc... Would like a tool to create light shows that go to the music. Steam Wallpaper Engine has a few people who have made some wallpaper reactive to sound. GREAT JOB! If you created something that would react to users music like Spotify, Id be the first to buy!
well done VR music video. being well in to my 50's, i found the music enjoyable. the visual experience was fantastic. i would have paid $1 for this, so charge a $1, and like butters said, make some MFing money! :-)
just stand there, listen to the music, and look around.
i would like to see more of these kinds of VR experiences.