BBC Earthが制作した『キャット・フライト』は、アフリカの荒涼とした砂漠で餌を探そうとする母カラカルと子猫の物語である。 母親の狩りのテクニックは、人間の頭の高さをはるかに超えるような驚異的な跳躍を行い、飛行中の鳥をつかまえようとする。 この驚異的なジャンプを実際のスーパースローモーションで目撃し、その後、インタラクティブなCGIの世界で彼女がどのようにジャンプするのかを発見してほしい。
Created by BBC Earth, Cat Flight is the story of a mother caracal and her kitten trying to find food in a desolate African desert. The mother’s hunting technique involves a monstrous leap that takes her well above human head height, then she tries to grab a bird in mid-flight. Witness this remarkable jump in real-life super slow motion and then discover how she does it in an interactive CGI world.
worst BBC VR production. I have enjoyed almost every BBC VR video available on the Oculus store. However, this one was pretty boring. Just bad director. Bad video quality. Bad story. The middle part of the production brought animations out of nowhere that really adding nothing to the experience. Not really worth the free download, even if you're desperate for new content.
Wont start. I can't work out how to start the program, can anyone advise? I've tried pressing buttons, keyboard, mouse and hovering the dot over the video and title.
Don't expect much. It is very very short, it does not have much facts and interesting information. The graphics are quite bad compared to state of art VR experiences. I wouldn't spend time installing it.
absolute garbage. played this for school, why just why dont even bother
VRのビッグキャッツが星5つ。 キャラカルのかっこよさが痛いほどわからない。
Big Cats in VR 5 starrs. I'm painfully unaware of the coolness of caracals.