Dementia is a largely hidden condition affecting many of us as we grow older, with friends and family supporting unconditionally.
This experience takes you on a journey through four different scenarios that will broaden your understanding of living with dementia.
The project was commissioned by Gwynedd Council and funded by the Welsh Government Cymraeg 2050 scheme and Arloesi Gwynedd.
Tap on menu options to select. Press A on control to centre view. To quit a scenario raise hands above your head.
Dementia Yn Fy Nwylo I
Cyflwr cudd ar y cyfan yw Dementia sy’n effeithio nifer ohonom wrth i ni fynd yn hŷn, gyda teulu a ffrindiau’n cefnogi yn ddiamod.
Drwy ddefnyddio teclynau rheoli Oculus Touch, bydd y profiad hwn yn eich tywys ar daith trwy bedair sefyllfa amrywiol fydd yn ehangu eich dealltwriaeth o fyw gyda dementia.
Mae’r prosiect hwn wedi’i gomisiynu gan Cyngor Gwynedd a’i arianu gan gynllun Cymraeg 2050 Llywodraeth Cymru ac Arloesi Gwynedd.
Dementia Yn Fy Nwylo I / First Hand(360度エクスペリエンス(ゲーム以外)、教育、物語)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Dementia Yn Fy Nwylo I / First Hand(360度エクスペリエンス(ゲーム以外)、教育、物語)の評価とレビュー
Freezes computer, unusable. Got just past loading screen then saw a choice of 4 rooms and play all, but nothing I selected did anything and there was no way to quit and it froze my whole computer and had to do a hard restart. Windows 10, 1080ti.
Ugh, made the mistake of trying it again. This time I was able to use the app, watched the first short bathroom section, realized it was a standing app and I was already in bed, didn’t feel like getting up, quit the app and then my computer froze again and had to do a hard restart. There is definitely something wrong with this app that affects the whole OS of the computer. Looked interesting but short. I might try again when I’m ready to shut down my computer but don’t expect to be able to use your computer without a hard restart after using this. Very glitchy.
Thankful for Experience Opportunity. Very helpful for developing understanding of why dementia can be so scary for the person experiencing it. Excellent use of VR and its capacity to experience another perspective
投稿者:Pierce Delahunt
素晴らしい、とても便利なソフトです。 本当にありがとうございました。私は医学生に教えていますが、このソフトのおかげで、認知症高齢者に興味を持たせることができただけでなく、認知症高齢者に対する態度を大きく変えることができました。その成果は、5月に開催されるオンライン会議(Eurasia Research online live conference for 6th ICTEL 2020, 11-12 May, 2020)で、私の基調講演として発表する予定です。
It is a great and very useful software. Thank you very much for the software. I teach medical students, and with the help of it, I was not just able to arouse their interest in elderly patients with dementia, but I also was able also to significantly change their attitudes towards elderly patients with dementia. I would like to summarize my experiences in a study, and the results will be presented on an online conference in May (Eurasia Research online live conference for 6th ICTEL 2020, 11-12 May, 2020) in my keynote presentation.
Interesting. Interesting, but could have done a bit more. It doesn't give me the feeling of having Dementia, which would be interesting. It's only a very very small part of it.
Barely touches on the pain of dementia. As someone with two very dear family members who both suffered from dementia, I can attest to how horrible this condition can be, and this experience attempts to put the player in the dementia victim’s shoes. One thing it doesn’t touch on is the anxiety that the dementia sufferer can face. Perhaps it could add another experience in which the victim wakes up in the middle of the night in a dark room and only slowly starts to realize where they are, but once they do so, discovers that they are seemingly alone in an empty house.
Excellent. This game kinda reminded me on why I work in the health service in the first place. It was painfull to watch at times. I'm not complaining, It just made me thing alot about life in General and family stuff. (Well done by the way!)
This is NOT the kind of "game" where you can expect to free-roam or get alot of story choices. You just got to experience it, really.
App crashes immediately?. Hi there, can you please help me troubleshoot. The app will launch, then immediately crash and kick me back to the oculus homescreen. I've uninstalled and reinstalled with no luck. My oculus rift is up to date re: drivers etc. I'd love to use this app so any assistance would be much appreciated!
悪くない!タイムシフト効果が良かった いくつかの質の高いVR技術がここにあります。
Not bad! I liked the time shift effect. Some quality VR technicals here.