Growing up, Marshall Mathers dreamed of rapping his way out of Detroit. Years and fortunes later, he still hasn’t left. Now in this intimate VR experience, take a surreal ride on a cold winter night with Sway Calloway and Eminem himself. Witness Detroit as never before as the two old friends swap stories, discuss dreams and keep it 100. Detroit is a land of historic paradoxes: a cornerstone of commerce, a post-industrial nightmare, a bastion of music, a cautionary tale. But to many it remains a symbol of strength, grit and reincarnation. With a front row seat down memory lane, this lyrical experience offers an unprecedented glimpse into its eponymous titans. Marshall From Detroit is an atmospheric study of a legend, his hometown, and how a place can shape you.
Quick run around Detroit. It's a short interview but I enjoyed it regardless. It was actually really cool to feel like you're in the car and in the scenes with them. I do wish there were some way we could move around the rooms on occasion and yes the video quality is slightly blurry in spots but it still looked good to me. I love Eminem, grew up listening to him and seeing even this little bit of insight into his life was more than I needed to enjoy it. If you like Eminem and have about 30 minutes to spare, give it a watch. If you don't, then this isn't for you.
Beta Boy tryin to be hard. Lmao! f-eminem thats not gangster.
Decent content. Some good cinematography in the b-roll sceenes. But it was full of jump cuts and repeated the car roof gimmick and combined it with jump cuts. Jump cuts are immersion breaking edits; If you're trying to create a VR experience might want to figure out your camera work and edits a little better.
Real. Brilliant short vr documentary type of experience. The cinematography is fantastic as well as the locations shown, really makes you feel a little shiver coming over you. Vr needs more of this!!
エミネムの素晴らしい動画。 エミネムとの素晴らしいビデオ。
Great video. A great video with Eminem.
いいね! もっと欲しいんだ
Great! I need more of this please.
Cannot Get This To Run. 私はファンではないので、これについては心を痛めていません。しかし、私はファンと一緒に仕事をして、彼を表示したいと思いました。何らかの理由で、これはただ回転するだけで、ビデオやオーディオをロードしません。それを殺すために、私はタスクマネージャを開き、それの複数のコピーを殺す必要があります。私が得たのは、回転する白い円だけで、それは延々と続く。私はそれが自分自身の複数のコピーを開く理由がわかりません。たぶん、それが私のために実行されない理由です。
Cannot Get This To Run. I'm not heartbroken about this, as I'm not a fan. But, I work with a fan and wanted to show him. For some reason, this just spins and doesn't load the video or audio. To kill it, I have to open Task Manager and kill the multiple copies of it. All I get is a spinning white circle, that goes on and on. I don't know why it opens multiple copies of itself. Maybe that is why it doesn't run for me.
My general system specs are: i7 9700K 32GB Ram RTX 2080ti
This should run just about everything thrown at it. This is the first VR app that I have that doesn't work.
Maybe the devs have a solution. I'll let them have a crack at it.
***UPDATE*** - The Dev replied!... to the wrong name. Hey, thanks for being aware! I don't really care enough to bother "gathering" my PC info for this.
not working for me. Hooked up my quest 2 via Link, game boots to title and then wont go any further, wont pick up my controllers (bar the B button) so 1 star unfortunately. No problems with any other VR games.
Good video, if you like the content. That is not the real Marshall Mathers! The original was killed, and replaced with a doppleganger. Gen 2 has brown hair, you see!!!