A VRy Merry Experience(カジュアル、ミュージックビデオ、探検、物語、音楽)のスクリーンショット
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A VRy Merry Experience(カジュアル、ミュージックビデオ、探検、物語、音楽)の概要
概要 ※この概要は翻訳表示しています。
A VRy Merry Experienceの音楽サウンドトラックが、クラウズの目を通してあなたを感動させます。 空間的なサウンドスケープは、360度の特別な空間を包み込むように、繊細な音、穏やかな風、ティンクル、火の音で、北極の魔法のような雰囲気を捉え、引き立てます。 Ch. 1 初雪: 音楽:グウェン・ステファニー - 繊細な筆致と深いテクスチャーが、力強いイメージへと進化する。 Ch. 2 The Yearning: 音楽:ワン・リパブリック(One Republic) - 希望と将来の夢に満ちた若い花嫁。 Ch. 3 The Giving: 音楽:ジャクソン5 - カラフルな照明と流れるようなキャンドルの光。 第4曲 The Adaptation 音楽:メアリー・J・ブライジ - 世界中のさまざまな家庭で、クリスマスは豪華に祝われる。 第5章 救済 音楽:オリヴァー - ロボットによって運営される白熱したディストピアの未来。 Ch. 6 The Infinite Featuring The Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga - 世界中のクリスマスを祝う驚きの大作。 CEEK VRに乗り込んで、まったく新しい視点からクリスマスのメイキングを見てみよう。
A VRy Merry Experience’s musical soundtrack moves you through the eyes of the Clauses. Spatial Soundscapes capture and enhance the magical ambience of the north pole with subtle whooshes, gentle wind, tinkles and fire crackles in special and engulfing 360 spaces.
Ch. 1 The First Snowfall: Music by Gwen Stefani - Delicate brushstrokes and deep textures, evolve into strong imagery. Ch. 2 The Yearning: Music by One Republic - A young bride full of hopes and dreams of their future Ch. 3 The Giving: Music by The Jackson 5 - Colorful lights and flowing candlelight. Ch. 4 The Adaptation: Music by Mary J. Blige - Christmas is celebrated lavishly by different families around the world. Ch. 5 The Salvation: Music by Oliver - An incandescent dystopian future run by robots. Ch. 6 The Infinite Featuring The Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga - Surprising larger-than-life celebration of Christmas around the globe. Hop on with CEEK VR and see the making of Christmas from a whole new perspective.
A VRy Merry Experience(カジュアル、ミュージックビデオ、探検、物語、音楽)の評価数と総合順位の推移
A VRy Merry Experience(カジュアル、ミュージックビデオ、探検、物語、音楽)の評価とレビュー
VR y Mediocre Christmas music videos. I wanted to like this app. After all, it's in the Christmas spirit and it's free. I can definitely appreciate the effort that went into this production. Lady Gaga's performance of Edge of Glory is amazing and Mary J. Blige's performance of The Christmas song is soulful. But the visuals are too expressionistic and uneven across the different songs. For example, look at the children's faces depicted during Mary J. Blige's performance, it actually looks so expressionistic that it feels like a Halloween special instead of putting you in the Christmas spirit. Also, the images are sewn together, but they seem randomly thrown in together. The depictions are all over the place and don't ever mesh with the song. You never know exactly where to look or what you're supposed to see or even what to feel. The polar bear scenes were good. But other than that, the visuals were mediocre at best and it was only the audio experience that resonated. Also, the image scales were completely off most of the time and the app had errors such as the focal points suddenly going behind you and then up and then below you. Gaze to make selections in that scenario is not a good thing. Oh well, they tried. But this is not anything I'll be showing off to friends or family. Merry Christmas.
Nice music, some pretty pictures, but OMG, did no one teach these people one of the cardinal rules of VR? You automatically move through each scene which would be fine if they didn't keep changing the speed and acceleration. Vomit-inducing. Also, the music played so softly during the animation sequence that I could barely hear it, although it was fine on the menu selection.
Beautiful, Scary, Sad, Strange. It is a beautiful experienmce at points, but beauty is very subjective. Santa Claus looks, well, if they ever fimd the bodies, I won't be surpised. He drowns at one point, death and some techo rave bunny or elf girls show up, and that's the normal part. It felt bleak and lonely in parts, like life had no meaning. And then they either live happily ever after or die, that ending is really vauge. Five stars for the ton of work obviously put into it, but the music, while fantastic feels really random. It also seemed a bit messed with, like it was ran through an effect program. There is a strange air of horror in it like a previous reviewer said, I kept expecting something to go wrong and in the scene in the Christmas house I swear I spotted Slenderman.
サンタさんを見て... なんか不気味なクリスマス動画だな
Like, look at the Santa... This is some creepy Christmas video!