まもなくSky VR: Hold the Worldを終了します。 グリニッジ標準時の12月29日午前0時をもって、このページからのダウンロードや、新機能、改善、修正のアップデートは終了します。 既存のユーザー、またはこの日以前にアプリを購入された方は、この日以降も引き続きご利用いただけます。 SkyのYouTubeチャンネルでは、最新のニュース、予告編、ハイライトをご覧いただけます。 Skyをご利用のお客様は、Sky TVのご契約の一部として、引き続き映画やスポーツをテレビでお楽しみいただけます。 --Skyのバーチャル・リアリティ体験「ホールド・ザ・ワールド」では、サー・デイヴィッド・アッテンボローと1対1で話をすることができる。 この画期的なインタラクティブ体験では、自宅にいながらにしてロンドンの自然史博物館に移動し、世界的に有名なコレクションから貴重な標本を手に入れ、普段は一般公開されていないエリアの舞台裏を探検することができる。 注意:デイヴィッド卿が見えにくい、または引き出しが開きにくい場合は、お使いのソフトウェアとグラフィックカードのドライバが最新であることをご確認ください。 ホールド・ザ・ワールドにはWindows 8.1以降が必要です。 Oculus Riftヘッドセットは13歳未満のお子様には使用しないでください。 oculus.com/legal/health-and-safety-warnings を使用する前に、すべてのユーザーは健康と安全に関する警告をお読みください。
We’ll soon close down Sky VR: Hold the World. As of midnight GMT, December 29 it will no longer be available to download from this page or be updated with new features, improvements or fixes. If you are an existing user, or if you purchase the app before this date, you’ll still be able to use it after this date.
Tune in to Sky’s YouTube channels for the latest news, trailers and highlights. If you’re a Sky customer, you can continue to enjoy movies and sport on your TV as part of your Sky TV subscription.
Sky’s virtual reality experience, Hold the World, offers the unique opportunity of a one-on-one audience with Sir David Attenborough. The ground-breaking interactive experience transports you from the comfort of your home to London’s Natural History Museum, where you can get your hands on rare specimens from its world-famous collection as you go behind the scenes to explore areas usually closed to the public.
Note: If you have interference seeing Sir David and/or you experience difficulties opening drawers, please check your software and graphics card drivers are up to date. Hold the World requires Windows 8.1 or later.
Oculus Rift headsets should not be used by children under the age of 13. All users should read the health and safety warnings before using oculus.com/legal/health-and-safety-warnings
a delight to eyes and ears. Don't think I have ever watched anything with David Attenborough that isn't wonderful to watch. Being in VR with him made it better. The VR effects in this was great and it's something I will show family who claim VR is a gimmick. loved it, although I wished it was longer, but I feel I got more then my monies worth
A masterpiece of VR education. VR education has had me massively excited since I was a kid. The future generations will have access to so many advanced tools that they will blow us away! This is wonderful step towards that. Not only does it execute what VR education should be like it nails what an "experience" should be, in my opinion. There are parts that feel a little clunky to interact with but there is a nice balance of the interactiveness and the non interactive bits. It is something you can recommend to anyone and I strongly recommend this to you!
better than expected ! always a plaesure to lern in VR this time i was realy surprised, all new info for me ;) graphic perfect sound good interesting facts and a wise man explaining things ! perfect experience for few bucks. buy it !!
Odd title but truly excellent. As other reviewers have indicated, this is a master class in how to deploy VR in education. Like others, I am not too obsessed by fossils but to be guided by Sir David from behind the scenes at London’s Natural History Museum made me want to listen and learn. Congratulations Sky UK and Factory42.
Hold the worldはOculusの上では最高です。 このアプリの値段を見たときは、あまり期待していなかったのですが、ずっと夢中になっていました。 最初はアームチェアの腕が邪魔で引き出しを開けるのに少し苦労しましたが、ちょっとした保護者の調整ですぐに解決しました。 驚いたことに、何度も何度も行きたくなります。 またどこかのタイミングで追加されることを期待しています(たとえ値段がついたとしても、喜んでお支払いします)。 開発者の方は注意して、このタイプのコンテンツをもっと提供してください。
Hold the world is superb on the Oculus. When I saw the price of this app I did not expect much at all BUT I was enthralled for the whole time it was on. I had a little difficulty opening the drawers t first as the arms of my armchair were in the way but some slight guardian adjustments soon solved that issue. The amazing thing is I want to go back again and again. I hope at some point more is added (even at a price, I for would be more than willing to pay) Please developers take note and provide more of this type of content it's one of the best apps (if not the best) I have used.
Great plus educational. Limited content. What's there is great but I'd like to see more content added. Some of the skeletal versions of creatures could do with sections where we seem them with flesh too, and more of them movement and stuff too. And we just need more of them to see aswell, like a T-Rex (because everyone loves T-Rex), and whatever else. Also, let us use hand pointers to select stuff, and maybe use the right analog stick on Touch to snap rotate the camera so we can view the rest of the rooms easily just for fun.
Edutainment at its finest. Fantastic graphics and some very interesting facts. Also, Sir David! In fact, the representation of Sir David is quite impressive, I'm surprised that performance capture using photogrammetry isn't used in games more frequently.
Needs more content. Good VR and David Attenborough looks almost as if you can shake his hand. It needs more content. Also, it would be nice if you could explore other objects in the library.
Incredible! I am an older generation gamer (in my 50's) and I only wish we had this when I was growing up and in school. The possibilites to use apps like this for learning and entertainment is limitless.
To the developer, THANK YOU! You have done an awesome job, please keep up the great work and creating these awesome expierences.