This ground-breaking interactive stop-motion animation is the first collaboration between the National Film Board of Canada, Felix & Paul Studios and Clyde Henry Productions. Blending 3D 360-degree video, stop-motion, miniatures and CGI, GYMNASIA pushes the art of puppet animation into uncharted territory. Viewers shrink to 1/3 scale as they enter a world built entirely by hand. The first VR experience to induce the elusive anxiety that occurs when the lines between what’s real and unreal are blurred beyond belief, GYMNASIA is a dark dream ⎯ unsettling and weirdly wonderful.
"A dark world of theater, VR, animation, and puppets" - VRScout “Perfectly quirky... plenty of atmosphere and technical beauty" - Engadget "Surprises abound here, in a unique tale of the utmost artistry" - Animation Magazine
Beautiful but brief. Beautiful set, characters, and animation. Really nicely executed and I wish there was more. It ended right as I felt it was getting started.
Details not totally clear from the description:
This is a fully non-interactive 360 video.
The video is shot in stereo and reasonably high resolution. It looks pretty crisp on a Rift S, though it would look better on a headset with deeper blacks. The stereo works great and it is fully 360, not 180.
This is a 3DOF video. No positional tracking, so you may be a bit uncomfortable if you move your head more than an inch while looking around.
While the total runtime is stated as 6:29, there's only about 3 minutes of what I would call "content."
Awesome experience. To me Felix&Paul studios have created the most memorable and impressive VR experiences thus far and I love all their productions. Gymnasia is again impressive, although on another scale compared to Marshall or Miyubi. It’s a very sweet and a bit creepy stopmotion movie where you have to think of the work of Quay (more so then Svankmajer). Only complaint you could have that it is too short and it leaves you with a desire for more. Very recommended!
クエストでは動作しません。 開発者の皆様、Oculus Link + Questでは動作しません。 私が間違っているか、これが修正された場合は、私のレビューを変更します
not working with Quest. hi developers, it's not working using Oculus Link + Quest :( Will change my review if I'm wrong or if this gets fixed!
Really fantastic experience. I saw this and I thought why not, I think I only paid about £4. Really great short cinematic experience. The graphics were amazing, seemed like photo realistic and the atmosphere was great, I felt really scared whilst watching.
I'm really glad I bought this short experience and will show this to all my friends. This is definitely a good experience to show what VR can produce other then games.