Foodie 360°」は、東南アジアのエキゾチックな場所を訪れ、アジアの文化と料理の世界を体験するバーチャルリアリティ体験だ。 これは、有名シェフのクリスティン・クッシングが主演するドキュメンタリー・テレビシリーズ「孔子は食通だった」をベースにしたVR体験の第2弾。 クリスティンがタイの塩田、マレーシアの市場、シンガポールの露天の行商人などを個別に案内する様子を、没入型360映像で舞台裏に潜入しよう!ショーを見るだけでなく、バーチャルリアリティーで体験してください。 Confucius was a Foodie(孔子は食いしん坊だった)」の詳細はこちらをご覧ください:
Foodie 360° is a virtual reality experience that will take you to exotic locations in Southeast Asia to experience the world of Asian culture and cuisine. This is the second VR experience, based on the documentary television series 'Confucius Was A Foodie' starring celebrity Chef Christine Cushing. Go behind the scenes with immersive 360 video as Christine gives a personalized tour of the salt fields of Thailand, the markets of Malaysia, an open air hawker in Singapore, and much more!
Don't just watch the show, live it through virtual reality.
For more information about 'Confucius was a Foodie' please visit:
Audio playback was wack. Maybe Revive?. In any event, this is really just 360 video you can find all over the place. It is also in 'app form' on at least google daydream.