The Grand Canyon VR Experience(カジュアル、探検、旅行)のスクリーンショット
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The Grand Canyon VR Experience(カジュアル、探検、旅行)の概要
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完璧なリラックス体験荷物をまとめて、美しく穏やかなインタラクティブ・カヤックに乗って、グランドキャニオンの中心部に行き、あらゆる素晴らしさの自然を体験しよう。 現在入手可能なVRの中で最もリアルな自然環境スピード設定が可能な電動カヤックでグランドキャニオンの美しさと素晴らしさを探索人工知能による動物のプロシージャル生成で、生き生きとした世界を再現炎天下のツアーと涼しい星空のツアーから選択可能メカニクスバーチャルハンド(Oculus Touch)でカヤックのスピードをコントロール人工知能が魚を引き寄せ、餌を与えるリアルな昼夜システム夜のキャニオンを探索するときは懐中電灯を使用最大限の没入感を得るためのヒントプレイスペースの中央に座り心地の良い椅子を置く。 目の前に扇風機を置く不要な光を避けるため、部屋をできるだけ暗くする。 お気に入りの音楽をかけるPowered by LivingVR™
Pack your bags and take a beautiful and serene interactive kayak ride into the heart of the Grand Canyon, experiencing nature in all its splendor.
Most realistic nature environment in VR available today
Explore the beauty and splendor of the Grand Canyon via a motorized kayak with speed settings
Vivid, living world populated with procedural generation of animal life driven by artificial intelligence
Choose between a tour under the hot sweltering sun or one under a cool starry sky
MECHANICS Use your virtual hands (Oculus Touch) to control your kayak speed
Artificial intelligent fish you can attract and feed Realistic day/night system
Use a flashlight when exploring the Canyon at night
TIPS FOR MAXIMUM IMMERSION Place a comfy chair in the middle of your play space Place an oscillating fan in front of you Make the room as dark as possible to avoid unwanted light Put on some of your favorite music!
Powered by LivingVR™
The Grand Canyon VR Experience(カジュアル、探検、旅行)の評価数と総合順位の推移
The Grand Canyon VR Experience(カジュアル、探検、旅行)の評価とレビュー
Very relaxing. I really enjoyed this. It is so relaxing to glide along on the water at your choice of speed. The interactive elements are fun, and both night and day are enjoyable (I've only done half the night one so far, so haven't used the torch yet) It was particularly good today, during a heatwave, nice and cooling. Well worth the £2.29
Meh. 2-1/2 stars. I could have spent $3 on worse things like renting Terminator 5 on Amazon again I guess, but I'm having trouble saying this is even good for a once-though. Short and not particularly interesting to me. Google Earth which is free, has far more interesting places to explore like Horseshoe Bend and Hoover Dam among many and the images are real, not created.
Short but very impressive. I can say that they really give you the feel that you're in the Grand Canyon. It is kind of antimated but still colorful and an enjoyable experience. I definitely think this is one of the coolest experience in VR that I have encountered. Definite something that you might comeback to on occasions to experience over and over.
Fabulous Experience! This $3.00 app does exactly what it says - it's a trip down the river in the Canyon. The scenery is well done, superb, I would say. A night time and a day time trip is included and both are very enjoyable. This is not a game, although some interaction is available. It's very relaxing and peaceful. Kudos to the developers. I hope you do more like this! ... played on a Rift S, 2080ti ... worked flawlessly!
Simple VR boat ride but relaxing. Overall, it's a nice simple VR boat ride around a small area of the Grand Canyon with a couple of nice vantage point stops and a few animals to encounter along the way. I would have liked to see a few more animals and wished that I could lure that rabbit towards me by offering it some food (like you can with the fish), but it's still a nice little VR experience with decent graphics and is good for relaxation or if you just want to chill out with some peaceful scenery.
Cool Ride. I’m not sure how earlier reviewers played this experience, but it took me a good hour to get through. There is a day trip and a night trip and I started with the night trip first. Plenty to do including two lookout points (I missed the first one), listen to the coyotes sing, and admire the full moon. There is also a friendly rabbit that may like to share your fire, and of course, the waterfall! Day trip is in the opposite direction with butterflies, fish to feed, hawks and other flora and fauna. I understand from previous reviews it was free at one point, but for the price of $2.99 you get a lot of value. Stopping to admire the full moon or other beauty spots is relaxing so is feeding the fish. It is a set track you go on and you could get through it much faster than I did if you open the throttle all the way. So milage will vary, but it is a relaxing experience and it’s nice that the flashlight from the night trip returns to the boat faithfully even if you try to lob it into the water to see what happens.
F15やAH64ほどは速くない。 自分用と家族や友人へのデモ用に何度も使うつもりです。
Not as fast as in my F15 or AH64. Nice, Pritty, restful, will use multi times for me, and to demo to family and friends.