The OmniGallery is an expanding multiverse of art exhibits, committed to collecting the great works of art of the past, present and future. Explore each universe and get as close as you want to the art, no velvet ropes here.
The Classic Hill features some of the best of “Pre-Modern” art, like painting by Da Vinci, Van Gogh and Klimt, alongside 3D scans of beautiful marble sculptures. The Diorama-Rama explores different expressions of 3D art, from 3D figures to 3D scans, almost 100 pieces to enjoy and get lost in. And the brand new Main Hall, the entrance and home to the portals into each universe.
Many upcoming exhibits are on development, the next ones being The Vault and Bay of Tokens (2021 Q3). If you enjoyed your visit, please consider supporting Eternal Echoes. This could be just sharing on Instagram (@EternalEchoesVR) or getting my personal gallery, The Surreal Imaginarium, here on The Oculus Store. As an Indie Dev, all help is welcome! Enjoy!
The OmniGallery(アート/クリエイティブ、カジュアル、教育)の評価数と総合順位の推移
The OmniGallery(アート/クリエイティブ、カジュアル、教育)の評価とレビュー
私の大好きなギャラリーアプリ・・・ 私は50代後半の初老人なので、このような鑑賞型アプリが好きである。特にThe Kremmer Collectionのような絵画アプリが大好きである。このアプリは多様な絵画を展示しているがその解像度&品質は Kremmer Collectionに及ばなに。たしかに無料なのはありがたいが1000円程度払っても良いので解像度&解説のクオリティを上げてもらいたい。BGM&雰囲気も良いのでアップデートを強く望みたい。 I am an elderly person in my late 50s, so I like this app. I especially love painting apps like The Kremmer Collection. This app displays a variety of paintings, but the resolution and quality is as high as the Kremmer Collection. I am thankful that it is free, but I would like to pay about 1000 yen so I would like to improve the quality of the resolution and explanation. BGM & atmosphere is good, so I would like to update it strongly.
Amazing, with a suggestion. Lots to see. High detail presentation of the arts. Most of all, I love the interface, amazingly beautiful interface in the museum. The only thing is you can only smoothly move sideway. To move up and down you have to repeatedly push a button. Some app allows for pointing the controller up or down to move vertically smoothly. Please add this feature.
素敵なVRアート - Must Have! 最近、VRアートを探求していたところ、The Omnigalleryに偶然出会いました。私が探していたものを見つけただけでなく、VR愛好家にとって必携と言えるほどの驚くべきVR体験を発見したのです!
Lovely VR Art - Must Have! I recently stumbled across The Omnigallery during my quest to explore VR art. I've not only found what I was searching for - but found such an astonishing VR experience that I now consider a must have for VR enthusiasts!
This experience is amongst one of the coolest I've had the pleasure of diving into with my PCVR setup. I love how immersed one can get when simply viewing the masterful artwork of others.
Thank you so much for creating this - hats off you to! I'll be showing my support and also picking up The Surreal Imaginarium - can't wait!
One of the best experiences with VR art! I cant wait to see the next exhibits. It was all so unique! The rooms with immersive VR art installations. WOW. When I looked at the watch 4h has passed. Congratulations!
Far Out.. Seems with this app, you have to think in fourth (or even fifth) dimensional terms... since it seem the "usual" rules (up, down, left, right, here, there..etc) dont seem to apply in the normal sense... (like getting into the classics area..) Since you can move into some of the pieces.. I about "getting into art"... can hardly wait for the next exhibit...
Truly Amazing Experience! I got lost for over an hour amongst the artwork and statuary. Bravo! Honestly, is there anything better than artwork, architecture and classical music paired together? You can even watch the clouds drift by. I've seen several VR art galleries and this experience is by far the best.
Excellent software with many well known art pieces. For all us art lovers, it''s one of the reasons we bought a vr set! And the fact that it is free is a reason for everyone to check it!
REALLY NICE ! I really enjoyed this, very relaxing & a great way to spend an hour learning about famous paintings & sculptures whilst listening to the relaxing classical music. I knew some of the paintings & found it very interesting learning about the ones I hadn’t seen before. I can’t believe it’s free! It’s an extremely solid experience. Top marks from me.