Allumette tells the story of a young orphan girl who lives in a fantastical city in the clouds. After enduring tragedy, she grasps at hope for her future. Loosely inspired by "The Little Match Girl" by Hans Christian Andersen, Allumette is an account of the love a mother and daughter have for one another, and the sacrifices they make for the greater good.
さて、次はレガシーアニメーションです。 私は「Rose and I -which is similar-」の方が好きですが、それでもOculus初期の歴史を語るにはいい作品です。 2022年でもまだ使えます。クエスト2のコントローラのAボタンを本当に長く、10秒くらい押し続けて、ボタンを押している間、画面上のさまざまなものを見るだけです。
投稿者:Sander Bos
Okay now legacy animation. I like the Rose and I -which is similar- better, but it is still a nice piece of history from the Oculus early days. It still works in 2022, you just have to hold the A button on the Quest 2 controller really long, like 10 seconds, andlook at different things on screen while you hold the button.
Amazing story-telling. Wow! Beautiful artstyle and very touching story. It feels like a modern puppet-theater, and it just feels right; VR is indeed not just for gamers...
Excellent storytelling & visuals. One of my favourite Virtual Reality pieces to date, I really enjoyed this piece. Great story & the visuals are divine! Great work, highly recommend :)
AMAZING! Beautiful story and animation. It was really touching and would LOVE to see more of these in VR. VR is not only the best way of playing games, but also of telling stories like these. My only issue was the animation would hiccup very subtly every so often. Maybe it was my antivirus, but I have a good pc setup and can play almost anything without issues. Just wanted to point it out in case there is something that needs fixing.
投稿者:Harbinger Thrace
Don't see this on quest 3 to download. Why can't I download this?
Brilliant!! This completely ruined traditional tv for me. There are many ways to tell a story. Books, movies, live plays, etc. This is the BEST way to tell a story. Everything else suddenly feels outdated. Completely immersed , beautiful art , beautiful story. Not a word is spoken the entire story, yet it still felt very powerful. A lot of heart and dedication went into this. It proves that the future of story telling is going to be incredible. Great job !!! Thanks for the experience !!
Amazing graphics. I just wanted to pick Alumette up and keep her. It's amazing to watch her walk around and the detail of the graphics. Impressive!!!
少し長いですが、とてもよくできています。 あなたは本当に空の目になって、物語の展開を見ることができます。これはVRの優れた使い方です。A Rose and I』と似ていますが、こちらは生々しい暴力が出てきます。この体験で誰かが死ぬとは思わないでしょうが、母親は死にます。彼女はホバークラフトが墜落して死んでしまうのですが、飛行機を迂回させて自分を犠牲にすることで、大勢の人々を救ったのです。ネタバレ注意
A tad long, but very well produced. You can really be the eye in the sky watching the whole story unfold. It's a excellent use of VR. It's quite similar to "A Rose and I", but this contains graphic, wanton violence. You don't think someone will die in this experience, but the mother does. She dies when the hovercraft crashes, but she saves the crowd of people by diverting the plane and sacrificing her self. Spoiled it!
Very moving. If this doesn't touch you in any way I woud check for a pulse. If we are good to each other we will see each other again,if you have a good heart you will be rewarded. I just had my wife experience this and she cried like a baby which in turn had my water works going,this is what VR should be about,an immersive heart felt experience.
Remarkable use for VR! I absolutely adore this film! Not only were the graphics and presentation flawless, I had to stop and remove the Rift to wipes my eyes. I’ve watched this film several times and have yet to make it through without crying. I love the emotional connection we build with these characters. Please continue to produce great content like this! A++