Microsoft Maquette(アート/クリエイティブ、プロダクティビティ)のスクリーンショット
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Microsoft Maquette(アート/クリエイティブ、プロダクティビティ)の概要
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Microsoft Maquetteは、バーチャルリアリティの中でUIや空間プロトタイピングを簡単、迅速、かつ没入的に行える汎用ツールです。 Maquetteは、誰でもヘッドセットの中からVRに完全に没入したコンセプトスケッチを作成できるように、ゼロから構築されました。 Maquetteには、3D空間でコンテンツのインポート、作成、合成、ストーリーボードを行うためのツール一式が含まれており、プリミティブとUIアイコンのライブラリが完備されています。 その他多くの機能の中でも、Maquetteは高速で親しみやすいUX、注釈や空間的なUIモックアップのためのテキストツール、コンテンツの簡単な選択と入れ子グループ化を持っています。 Maquetteには、MaquetteのコンテンツをUnityにインポートするための無料のUnityアドオンがあり、マテリアルやグループ化の階層を保持することができます。 Maquetteの開発プロセスはユーザーのニーズによって導かれています!
Microsoft Maquette is a general purpose tool that makes UI and spatial prototyping easy, quick, and immersive within virtual reality. It was built from the ground up to empower anyone to create fully immersive concept sketches in VR from inside your headset. Maquette includes a set of tools for importing, creating, composing, and storyboarding content in 3D space, complete with a library of primitives and UI icons. Among many other features, Maquette has fast and approachable UX, a text tool for annotations and spatial UI mockups, and easy selection and nested-grouping of content. Maquette has a complimentary Unity addon for importing Maquette content into Unity, which preserves materials and grouping hierarchy. Maquette's development process is guided by users' needs, so we want your feedback!
Microsoft Maquette(アート/クリエイティブ、プロダクティビティ)の評価数と総合順位の推移
great potential for concept art. The UI and all the snapping option and the scaling of the mesh are a great features to build a scene for concept art ! I could even import high poly meshes from medium or gravity sketch
Awesome! ....WHY... I think it's one of the best 3d modeling tool out there especially for prototyping game design , creating levels , creating UI.... imports to unity pretty good.. how objects are placed and arranged are easier then other VR modeling apps, they have made this with a sort of intuitive design flow.
PLEASE MAKE MULTIPLAYER!! Thank you for the awesome app!
You can be very creative in this. It's been a while since I tried this, but I think I'd be correct in classifying Microsoft's Maquette as a Google Blocks and model spawner facsimile. It should put other similar VR apps to shame, I just can't remember what they are called, only the screenshots. It probably has lots of new features I'm not aware of. It's very good. Frankly, the VR stuff Microsoft does is all pretty good. They have Windows MR, Maquette, Hololens etc. They also ship a really good hand tracking demo on SideQuest. They just haven't decided to really productize any of it, and are instead keeping their powder dry for later
Amazing! Love it! Started creating right away without anything clumsy about this. How do you export the objects though? Okay went to the URL for this and yes you can export. Oooh Goodie! I agree with the other review. Okay I use Medium and Tiltbrush and other tools which I love too, but there is always that one thing they don't do well. You know? Bad export, not enough detail, crappy photo capturing, complex ui, etc. This one I think everyone can get up and running quickly in creating content.
Great!! I created what i needed. The learning curve is fast!! The only problem is that it's very unstable and there are many tutorials missing. I'll keep the 5 star rating for a couple of months to give them time to fix stuff.
適正に行われた... (もう少しディメンションの精度を上げて6/5にしてくれ)
Done RIGHT... (give me a touch more dimention accuracy and 6/5 for sure)