The Haunted Graveyard(アドベンチャー、カジュアル、ホラー)のスクリーンショット
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The Haunted Graveyard(アドベンチャー、カジュアル、ホラー)の概要
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お化け墓地を訪れましょう!この不気味で楽しいお化け屋敷の散歩は、すべての年齢層に適しています。 幽霊たちに会い、彼らの世界を探検し、彼らの秘密を学ぼう。 真夜中になってもまだお化け墓地にいたら、永遠にここに閉じ込められてしまいます!VRcadesのために作られました私たちはこのプロジェクトをVRcadesのために特別に制作しました。 このプロジェクトは、VRの素晴らしい入門編として、また幅広い観客に楽しい体験をしてもらえると信じています。 映画のようなVR体験The Haunted Graveyardはビデオゲームではありません。 初めてのVRユーザーを対象とした、軽いインタラクティブ性を持つ15分間のVR体験です。 見どころは以下の通り:* 別世界に誘う、豊かで美しく呪術的な風景* ウィニー・ウォルドロンがプロデュースした、ウィニフレッド・フィリップス作曲(Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, God of War)の豪華なオリジナル・オーケストラ・サウンドトラック。 * プロの俳優によるモーションキャプチャーを多用した演技
Visit the Haunted Graveyard -- if you dare!
This spooky fun walk through a magical haunted graveyard is suitable for all ages. Meet the ghosts, explore their world, and learn their secrets. But you'd better keep moving -- if you're still in the Haunted Graveyard at midnight, you'll be trapped here forever!
Made for VRcades We have made this project specifically for VRcades, where we believe it will serve as a great introduction to VR and a fun experience for a broad audience.
A Cinematic VR Experience The Haunted Graveyard is not a videogame. It is a fifteen-minute VR experience with light interactivity intended for new VR users. Highlights include:
* A rich and beautifully haunting landscape that transports you to another world * An original lush orchestral soundtrack composed by Winifred Phillips (Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, God of War) and produced by Winnie Waldron * Extensive motion-capture performances by professional actors
The Haunted Graveyard(アドベンチャー、カジュアル、ホラー)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Not Very Scary. I thought that there would be at least some scares in the Haunted Graveyard, but there weren't any thing that was the least frightening. It was very short. And althought the experience was somewhat decent, I have a hard time giving it any thing better than three stars because there was no story line and very little evolvement other than interaction with a four characters and nothing really spooky at all. Someone referred to it as Disney like. Yeap, that's about my take on it.
Hoping for more. This is the kind of thing I'd like to se emore of on the platform. A fun, moody, atmospheric, not too scary (except the well - watch out for the well!) adventure in the vein of the Haunted Mansion, with great visuals and even great voice acting - the whole thing is worth it for the ferryman's song alone. I'm hoping that there are more experiences like this in the future, and I'd be very happy with an expansion to this, as the experience overall is pretty short. Definitely worth the price.
Very good. Its more like a dark fairytale with a hidden message. I enjoyed it so much that i was sad when i reached the end. I could play this all day but the story wasnt long enough for that :( Worth the money? Hell yes!
Loved it! Beautiful. Like a dream. So much atmosphere! I loved the lighting and the color and the characters. It's like a dream. Perfectly spooky and moody just the way I like. I wish the dev made more.
I am having trouble with this game. I have installed it twice but I am still not getting any sound from it. I have tried other games and do not have that problem. Thoughts?
I put 1 star because I have had this comment up for a while and no one from the company has said anything.