4K Patch for Oclus pc version ?oculus pcバージョンはsteam editonのように4Kテクスチャのアップデートがありますか? 私のQuest 3でネイティブにゲームを実行すると、ゲームは素晴らしいように見えますが、しかし、私のPCから私のQuest 3に有線リンクを使用すると、テクスチャが比較してぼやけて見える?
4K Patch for Oclus pc version ?. Does the oculus pc version get the 4k texture update like the steam editon? Game looks great when running natively on my Quest 3, however, when using wired link from my PC to my quest 3 the textures look blury in comparison?
Fun easy puzzle game. If you liked Red Matter 1 you will like this game. Puzzles are on the easy side and very linear. The story seems very similar to Red Matter 1. That being said, I compulsivley finished the game in a couple of sittings.
I did have to turn on the blinders to deal with some VR sickness which surprised me as I thought I had fairly sturdy VR legs.
So polished. This was flawless. So well made. The crystal clear graphics and great usage of reflections was amazing. I loved the story as well. I never played the first Red Matter game. You better believe I will be buying that one too. I am running it on an RTX 3080 with 2.0 resolution upscaling.
An amazing game! Bought this game without playing RM1 after reading some reviews, and I must say this game is amazing! The graphics (tried it only on PC) are so good, especially the reflectinos. Running the game on a RTX 2070 super with upscale of 1.7 The game itself is fun and the puzzles are intriguing and fun, although not so challenging. The scenery and the vaibe are great (Outer space is beautiful) add to this the graphics and it makes for real good immersion. The music and sound effects are perfect! I love it so much. I loved this game a lot and do recommend it.
Wow.... Most beautiful VR game! Why can't all VR games look as amazing as this one?! This rivals the best of them out there, and the gameplay is so great as well. Haven't finished it yet, but I need to convince anyone I can to get this game. So do it.
Great Game. If you suffer from motion sickness like me, this game is comfortable. Beautifully rendered, and a great story. Lots of puzzles that make it fun, while mixed with shooting to bring some excitement. I would recommend this game to anyone looking for a great VR experience. We need more games like this.
Top VR experience. I wasnt to sure about playing a puzzle game but I was wrong. The story kept drawing me in and I played for hours at a time. The puzzles were just the right difficulty and felt rewarding when done. The graphics are great and makes you feel like you are going to these places and very immersive. Loved it.
FANTASTIC! I recently finished the first Red Matter and was so impressed that I immediately picked up this sequel. Boy was I in for a pleasant surprise. Not only is the game longer, but it’s improved in just about every way. The puzzles are varied and feel rewarding to figure out without being unfair; the small moments of combat are a fun and exciting change of pace; and the story is even more engrossing. The graphics are GREAT on my PC (full transparency: I do run an RTX 3090). This game is the closest rival to Half-Life: Alyx that I’ve played. Definitely one of the best VR games I’ve played.
Very Good Sequel! Looks and plays fantastic with my Q2/rtx3090 using Air Link. I think this is soooo much better than RM1 and I especially love the Jet Pack and it has much better locomotion. I have also played the standalone mobile VR version and while it's surprisingly very good, PCVR adds much better textures and sharper objects. Still very good that the developers made this cross-buy. Thanks for a great sequel and I look forward to RM3!
Best VR game of 2022. Just a masterpiece. Better than the first game in every way. I belive there is no single player VR game on Quest 2 standalone that is as good as this (and it's also one of the best games you can find on pcvr). This is hands down my personal VR game of 2022 so far. Thank you Vertical Robot
左利きの人は遊べません。 左利きの人にはプレイできません。
Red Matter 1はとても楽しめたが、このゲームは明らかに左利きの人がテストしたものではない。最初の5分で気がついたこと。さらに悪いことに、「スキャナ」の文字が鏡面になっており、プレイにならないのです!!!。左利きじゃなくても、一回くらい左利きでやってみせろよ。
Not playable for left-handed people. Not playable for left-handed people.
I much enjoyed Red Matter 1, but this game was obviously not tested by left-handed people. What I noticed in the first 5 minutes: Movement is not switched to the off-hand after switching handedness (why don't developers EVER get his, sigh) and what's worse, the text on the 'scanner' is MIRRORED, making it unplayable!! I mean come on... you can at least try left-handed once even if you're not left-handed yourself.
I'm going for a refund, because like this it is not worth $30, not by a long shot. If you can fix these issues I would be happy to try it again.
My Vote for VR Game Of The Year 2022. 私は長い間VRをプレイしており、150以上のゲームを試しました。このゲームは違います。デザインはビートフィリー、パズルはほとんど難しくないし、戦闘は爽快でかっこいいし、もちろんグラフィックも最高レベルの没入感です。アトミックハートのような雰囲気があり、今年末に発売されるそのゲームをプレイしたいと強く思っています。
投稿者:Gamer Reality
My Vote for VR Game Of The Year 2022. I've been playing VR for a long time, and I've tried over 150 games. This game is different. It's designed beatufilly, the puzzles are not very difficult most of the way through, the combat is refreshingly cool, and of course the graphics are some of the most immersive out there. It has that Atmoic Heart feel, and I badly want to play that game when it releases later this year.
投稿者:Gamer Reality
VRの表彰台で。 Red Matter 2は、すべての期待を上回るものでした。リアルなグラフィック、物理演算、場所の感覚を作り出すという点では、Half-Life Alyxと肩を並べることができます。Dead Spaceのような雰囲気を持っていることは言うまでもありません。私はパズルゲームは特に好きではないのですが、このゲームのパズルは主に環境パズルで、素晴らしい環境の隅々まで探索させるのに最適の方法です。John Carmack氏は、DaedelusをOculus Goの傑出したタイトルとして賞賛しています。同じ開発チームが、初期のビジョンを『Alyx』に次ぐ、VRにおける真のAAAアドベンチャーと言える作品に発展させたことは、喜ばしいことです。
On the VR podium. Red Matter 2 exceeded all expectations. It’s up there with Half-Life Alyx for realistic graphics, physics and creating a sense of place. Not to mention having Dead Space vibes. I don’t particularly like puzzle games, but the puzzles here are mainly environmental and the perfect way to get you exploring every nook and cranny of the incredible environments. John Carmack has praised Daedelus as a stand-out title on Oculus Go. It's a joy to see how the same Dev team have expanded their earlier vision into what is arguably the second true AAA adventure in VR after Alyx.
2022年のベストVRゲーム。 非常に没個性的で、美しいグラフィック、ストーリー、声優。こんなに洗練されたものをプレイしたのは、Half Life Alyx以来です。パズルやマップのほとんどに手探りがない。自分の知恵を使わなければならない。私はパズルやクラフトはあまり得意ではありませんが、このゲームの大部分がパズルであることを理解し、マップへのアクセスや横断の方法を考え、一度このゲームのモードに入れば、あとはもう大丈夫です。また、このゲームは探索する機会も与えてくれます。だから、歩き回ってアイテムを拾ったり、ノートをスキャンしたり。楽しみながら、ストーリーにのめり込んでいけると思います。 このゲームはとにかく美しい。
The Best VR Game of 2022. Very imersive, beautiful graphics, story and voice acting. I havn't played something this polished since Half Life Alyx. There is no hand holding on most of the puzzles and maps. You have to use your wits. I not really a puzzle or crafting player, however once your mind is in the mode of this game knowing a good majority of it are puzzles and figuring out how to access or transverse the map you are good to go. The game also gives you the chance to explore (which I really like) There are no demanding timed levels or maps. So walk around pick up items and scan notes. You will enjoy and get wrapped up into the story. The game just looks beautiful.
Very Enjoyable, High Quality. Great visuals, atmosphere and interaction. Some very clever puzzles. I enjoyed it so much it's an easy 5 stars. But, two things: 1) The flashligh is so weak I kept thinking it was broken or something. 2) It'd be nice if the enemies were a bit more intimidating. I'm not saying I want this to be a horror game. But given that the game does such a great job of creating an eerie and surreal atmosphere, there's real potential for some tense moments and maybe even a scare or two. Again, not looking for Cosmodread, but it'd be nice if the enemies weren't *quite* so cutesy and toy-like.
ありがとうございました。 問題が発生したとき、開発者が迅速に対応し、答えを出してくれました。
Thankyou. Had a problem, developer responded quickly, with answer, great service, 5 stars for sure
Best VR game this year. Absolutely amazing graphics, clever puzzles and great atmosphere and environments. I'd say it's in my top 3 favorite VR games alongside HLA and Lone Echo.