I Expect You To Dieのアンコールがここに...お帰りなさい 捜査官 ゾラクシスは 君が死んだと思ってる この瞬間を利用するため 潜入捜査をさせる ゾラキシスの世界征服の動きに関して 機関が得た極悪非道な情報を探るために 最初の任務は 首相の警護です 首相は世界的に有名な俳優 ジョン・ジュニパーが出演する 舞台に出席しています 捜査官、あなたの力が必要です:→ 念力でパズルを解き、危険な状況から脱出し、物体を操作する。 → 変装して潜入し、ゾラクシスの企みを正確に把握する。 → 死なない。 I Expect You To Die 2: The Spy and the Liar」で「期待すること」(...その💀以外に):新たな6つのミッションに挑むスーパースパイの物語に没頭するまったく新しい360°イントロシークエンスで冒険をスタートジョン・ジュニパーとの出会い快適にプレイあらゆることをもっと体験しよう
The encore to I Expect You To Die is here...
Welcome back, Agent! Right now, Zoraxis believes you are dead. To capitalize on this moment, we are sending you deep undercover to explore some diabolical intelligence the Agency has received regarding Zoraxis’ move for world domination. Here’s what we can tell you now...your first mission is to protect the prime minister, who is attending a theater production featuring world famous actor and celebrity John Juniper.
Agent, we need you to: → Use your ever-present power of telekinesis to solve puzzles, escape dangerous situations, and manipulate objects. → Go undercover using disguises to figure out exactly what Zoraxis is up to. → Not die.
What to ‘Expect’ in I Expect You To Die 2: The Spy and the Liar (besides...you know 💀): ✦ Embark on six new missions ✦ Immerse yourself in a super spy story ✦ Start your adventure with a brand new 360° intro sequence ✦ Meet John Juniper ✦ Play in comfort ✦ Experience more of everything
THIS GAME IS AWESOME. First game was incredible this is incredible I’m getting the third game soon shell games needs to continue the sequel to at least I expect you to die 10 but no matter how many they make I will always be expected to die by how fun this game is
Just outstanding and hysterical. Mimic mask mission I legit grabbed the Knight Helmet, put it on and tried to stand completely still to fool the guard. It did not work and I could not stop lauging. These are just wonderful games and I am so glad to see a third one is coming. Well worth the price tag. The only negative thing about this game is when the battery dies on the oculus and I have to sit around and wait for it to charge. Keep up the great work devs!
No subtitles or localization. Devs mentioned investigating adding subtitles back in July 2021 on the steam forums, and there's been absolutely no updates since. Maybe it'll take another 5 years like with the first game.
Review. This series of spy life is incredible I can't belive what they have done and the voice acting is amazing( I quite like the Handerlers voice). And the 3rd one is coming out i've already pre-ordered the game and I'm so exited to play and support the series
My mom said I should take a break. Honestly, this game is one of the best VR games I have ever played! You really feel like a new 007! The story definitely matches the type of game the developer wanted to have. I can't see any reasons to not buy the game, even the music is very well done. Just make sure you start with the first part of the series. The game is worth the price, so I expect you to buy!
fun game. I love this game so much but on the 4th level I looked up a tutorial on it and it says to disable barrels 3 and 4 and the axe will go back up into the thing and the secret door will open. But it never opened and the axe never went back up.
One of my most favorite VR games. I'll be honest with you, when I picked up the first game, I already knew all of the puzzles, so it wasn't very fun to me. However, I knew nothing about the second game going into it, and that's definitely the way to go. Also, this game has one of the greatest opening credit scenes in any game ever, VR or not. I got 100% on the game in just under a week, and it was one of the greatest weeks I've ever had and will ever have in my entire life. With 6 levels and 6 souvenirs per level, with speedrun chalenges PLUS a great story to go with it? this game is worth every penny I paid for it, and I will be buying and playing the 3rd game whenever it releases.
100%. 私は一回の発言で100%走った。早くもっと多くのミッションが来てほしい。
100%. i did a 100% run in a single say, i hope there will be more missions coming soon.
I expect you to play. This game and the series has set a new level in VR gaming. The controls, the voice act and the amazing music, everything in this game is just top notch. Best VR game of the year for me. To be continued in part 3...
イントロはトリプルAAAで、ボンド映画のような雰囲気です! 「I expect you to die Gamertag VR」で検索して、ミッション1と2をチェックしてみてください。 ミッション3と4のライブストリームも今行われています。
SIMPLY ONE OF THE BEST VR GAMES. Absolutley love this series and from what Ive played so far its more of everything the original fans loved and extra
The intro feels triple AAA and is goos enough for a bond movie! check out Mission 1 and 2 by searching ' I expect you to die Gamertag VR' The livestream for mission 3 & 4 is happening right now too
AMAZING. The first part to this game was amazing and I was sad it ended so quickly but part 2 is more amazing than I ever thought it would be.
Oculusで最高のゲームの一つ。 I Expect You To Die」を購入した後、すぐにこの作品を購入し、「I Expect You To Die」のような作品を期待しました。しかし、そうではありませんでした。登場人物の数も多く、より良い作品になっています。私も最初の3日間でクリアしました。絶対にお勧めです。
One Of The Best Games Of Oculus. After buying the first I Expect You To Die, I quickly purchased this one and expected it to be like to first one. Nope! This one is better, with a lot more characters. I completed it in the first 3 days too. Absolutely recommended.
Absolutely brilliant. The game is amazing. The story is much better than the original and is fun to follow. The mechanics are simple but implanted very well and the voice acting is nice. Big surprise hear will Wheaton. The puzzles are perfect as in they are hard but when you sit, think and play around you can solve it. In the event you die getting back to the point you where at is easy and prevents you getting to bird and leaving.
The only bug I have found was the occasional item falling through the ground which is a small problem but doesn’t effect gameplay at all