Free Brotherhood update is AVAILABLE NOW. Introducing:
3-player Co-op: Forge a brotherhood with up to two fellow wizards and use your class-specific skills (Fire, Frost and Storm) to battle new types of enemies and variants, plus explore the levels with new challenges.
A Remastered Singleplayer Adventure: A mysterious dark plague has fallen on the realm of Meliora, twisting its inhabitants into beings of hatred and madness. Forbidden powers and rogue wizards are involved, leaving you to face the apocalypse head-on.
Enhanced Graphics & VR Controls: Embark on this perilous journey and experience the game at a whole new level, with beautifully rendered graphics, optimized for latest VR advancements.
*** Embark on a perilous journey across the plague-ridden realm of Meliora, and experience the end of the world as you know it.
Discover and master 11 individually designed spells of various uses and effects. Forget about button combinations! Command the arcane powers with nothing but hand gestures - as a true Wizard does!
Dare to journey through the blighted Forest, wade through the poisonous swamps of Meliora, descend into the ruinous Necropolis, and more - with no magical barriers to stop you!
Features: • Action-adventure VR spellcaster set in a rich fantasy world • Improved system of casting spells with hand gestures • New spells and enemies • New region of Meliora to explore • New Game+, Hardcore Mode and Sandbox Arena Mode
The Wizards - Dark Times: Brotherhood(アクション、アドベンチャー)の評価数と総合順位の推移
The Wizards - Dark Times: Brotherhood(アクション、アドベンチャー)の評価とレビュー
ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! This is one of the best vr games ever made. The visuals are absolutely amazing, one of the best I've seen in a vr game. The spell casting works so well and all the spells are super satisfying to use. All of the environments are so breathtaking that I can't help but spend so much time just looking around and taking it all in. The only complaint I have is the story. The story is kind of interesting, but the ending doesn't make any sense and the boss battle is lame. However, this is still one of the best vr games ever made. There are some glitches that are present, such as not being able to teleport at some points in the map and hands glitching once in a while, but nothing game breaking. I wrote a 4 star review on the quest store for this game because of the massively downgraded graphics which I believe the developers could have done a way better job at, but the pcvr version is absolutely stunning. Highly recommend!
Fun game. If you want to be a wizard, Harry, then this is the game to try. It was a really fun game and looking forward to future updates (hopefully new levels, armour, loot, etc).
たくさんのバグ バグだらけでさらにバグだらけで...
投稿者:David Garcia Fontalba
A lot of bugs. bugs and more bugs and more bugs...
I held off on buying this first release. The reason I delayed buying this was Tempestfall was not cross buy so I assumed the same thing for this game. I tried this game since I saw it was cross buy. The financial backers to that game need to allow cross buy on that game and is what held that good Warhammer game back.
This is a good game but it looks terrible so I am glad to have the PC option to play and it also proves to myself why I skipped paying for the Quest 2 version of Tempestfall. Other than that, this is a well thought out game overall.
I always wanted to become a sorcerer! I haven't finished the game yet, but everything I've seen so far is amazing. The game looks great, the views are really beautifull.
Combat in the game is really cool. Gestures used to cast magic spells work excellent and gives you a lot of fun. There is a lot of spells to cast, but after introduction you cast it very easily. You can create nice combos with them like freezing an enemy and crushing them into pieces with another spell.
Great game! I can honestly recommend it to everyone!
Overall pretty good. A fun game, but a bit buggy and pretty short. The multiple difficulty levels you sequentially unlock extend the play time, but there are only like 7 different monsters in the game or something, and unlike the first Wizards game there are no other bosses other than the big baddie at the end. Overall I'm glad I played it but it could be a lot more detail.
短すぎる。 ゲームの仕組みは素晴らしいのですが ストーリーが短すぎるのです
To Short. The game Mechanics are Brilliant but the story is to short.
Improves on the original in every way. Let's get this out of the way first: the visuals in this game are incredible, and far better than the original, as is the combat, spellcasting, level traversal (the climbing is well implemented and adds a lot to it), and pretty much everything else about it.
One problem I had with the original is that, once I had fully upgraded fireball, that was basically all I used, as it could one-shot most enemies unless I decided to apply a modifier to increase their health. This game fixes that, for the most part. Every spell is particularly useful in different situations, and toying with the idea of spells being weakened due to environmental effects, such as rain weakening fire, made those levels particularly interesting by limiting your choices of spells. The reason I think it only solved this problem 'for the most part' is that, once you get the arcane beam spell, it's always the first spell you consider, since it's a lot more powerful than your other spells, being capable of killing one of the mini-bosses in seconds, and the only situations in which it could be at a disadvantage compared to other spells is in winding corridoors, or when there are a lot of pillars / obstacles that your beam can't get through, and that enemies are hiding behind.
The spells feel a lot more impactful to use, particularly with the effects (frozen, burning, etc.), and the feeling of power when you first freeze an enemy solid and blast them to pieces with arcane pulse is more than I think I ever found in the original. It feels a lot more like weaving spells together as opposed just chucking them around, especially with certain spells allowing you to use them to cast new spells (e.g lightning -> lightning nova), and that is a massive improvement on the original.
In short: if you liked the original or if you enjoy other spellcasting games, then this is a must buy.
edit: I'm currently trying a new game+ and will edit again with my opinion on it once I am done. It's looking good so far.
Beautiful and Fun but Empty. The visuals in this game are stunning. When I first walked into the area with the giant statues, I was happy to just sit there and stare for several minutes.
The use of gesture controls is a lot of fun. That said, I would have appreciated more depth in the gesture commands, like if you could string together any 3 of several gestures to make a spell. Unfortunately, once I got the laser beam spell, none of the other spells had a purpose.
Because there are no collectibles of value, no XP to be gained, (and a lot of asset reuse, which is fine), this game does not encourage exploration, which is unfortunate given how pretty the world is. A few clever puzzles would also go a long way, I think.
The worst part, I think, is that the player has no voice in the story. There are no decisions to be made outside of "do I use the laser beam?" For that reason, what story there is doesn't matter at all to me. Walk, fight, walk, skip climb section, fight, credits.
Ultimately this game is a beautiful showcase of some good gesture controls. It's not thought-provoking, but some of the visuals are awe-inspiring.
Buckle Up! (QUEST 2 ONLY). Okay so after going back and replaying the series, I have decided to right a more in depth review of the game. Now I'm going to go into deep detail on what the game lacks and what the game can provide, starting with graphics
Graphics After playing the game here and there, they did mention some updates that they brought out in order to enhance the experience. Now they did say they made some of the spells more appealing, (Fireball graphics, Ice Bow), in which they did provide, honestly the fact that the gloves now freeze makes it feel more realistic, along with the fireball. However, I believe they focused too much on the spell graphics they missed the key graphics (A.K.A the environment). Now as a Quest 2 gamer, I don't expect highly of the graphics, in fact it doesn't take much to impress me, however there are just some areas that are missing that finishing touch. Enemies have some detail, especially the elemental enemies, great job in my opinion. However, it seems like they are missing that little something.
Story Now this one will be a bit short, honestly I found the story to be just as entertaining as the first game of the series, in fact, I like how they made it to where they really brought our reality and their reality into one, hence VR. I personally believe they did a great job at that. However, my only complaint is that the story could be a bit longer.
Gameplay The last part of my review, now the gameplay is quite phenomenal, as always, however I just have a few complaints - Carry over the spells. What I mean by that is we no longer have pyroblast, however of course, and please forgive me I can't remember all the spells, you did give us the ability to have a little eruption of our own, I personally just liked the pyroblast to have it. The Aegis shield however I wish you would have brought over the original shield from the first. HOWEVER, the new spells, or the way they function such as the ice bow and the aegis ray are splendid ideas and I love them!
A dream come true. Finally, using gestures to cast magic. I’ve been waiting for this since VR went mainstream. This title is vastly improved over their first version. Being able to use either hand for casting is a great addition.
I have to admit though, the game does feel a bit empty. No Hp, no collectibles of real value. I stood in one spot being attacked by 5 enemies for about 3 minutes before I got close to dying.
Fun But Short. The story is short and sometimes the game glitches out and you get stuck outside the map. Sometimes the wood is blue, but the mechanics of summoning a fireball in your hand don't get any better.
Beautiful scenery, and fun combat. Theres few mage games in vr of high quality. The wizards was sorta there, but fell into a loop of wave shooting. this entry is beautiful, with cool level design and better enemys and best of all a revamped combat system. i want to emphasize this is the best part. play like your body is water, and amazing things happen. you can get very fluid with your spells and weave your spells like a true wizard. i do wish there was a EXP system ect. something that would make the walking and fighting more enjoyable by looting. the spells unlock when you pick them up, and are fully upgraded from the start. for instance the shield could have not been throwable like the first game until enough exp is spent on that spell, the two hand attacks could be the best upgrade, like the lightnings nova burst or the frost swords cant be thrown until upgraded. then have multiple for each. that would provide plenty of reason to throw some kind of EXP unit on the maps. speaking of, the maps are huge and beautiful. the environment is stunning. heres the problem, without a inventory or EXP system, it feels bland. like its falling in to the pitfall of the first game. look at stuff while you walk to the next battle, which happeneds in a wave style fashion alot of the time. you have melee this time around. there could have been more enemys, without these long sections of walking simulator and climbing simulator. and the climbing can be bypassed completely. which i wasnt to fond of. also the health regenerates, and im also not a fan of that. there are potions you can pick up in the game. i dont know why they didnt make potions to refill your health.(dont like regen health alot of times) If they add new game plus, please think of these things. the chest are the only real interactables, and the items are more like collectables for your hub. maybe theres ways to change your colors for spells at hub, or unlocking character upgrades like more health. that would extend the game, like HLA resin mechanic?
loved it. Definitely one of those games that swallow you up with breathtaking sceneries and really fun enemies to kill. one thing that i really hoped this game changed was the length of the game, it felt a bit short, but really good story.