Waltz of the Wizard(アドベンチャー、探検、シミュレーション)のスクリーンショット
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Waltz of the Wizard(アドベンチャー、探検、シミュレーション)の概要
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最優秀アップデートゲーム賞を受賞 - UploadVRNYX Game Awards 🏆ベストイノベーション賞受賞ファンタジアやハリーポッターのような映画の雰囲気にインスパイアされた世界で、魔法の力を体験しよう!古代のしゃべるガイコツの助けを借りて、沸騰する大釜に難解な材料を組み合わせ、視線追跡や音声対話などの最先端技術を駆使して、完全インタラクティブで神秘的な世界に呪文を解き放とう!⭐️ 「Aldinは今日のVRのパイオニアとなった」 - Road to VR⭐️ 「VRにはすでに『魔法使いのワルツ』のような非常に評判の良いゲームがある」 - Rolling Stone Magazineハイライト機能- 最先端の音声、目、ジェスチャーによるインタラクション能力- ストーリー、戦闘、チャレンジを含む大規模なキャンペーン- 何百もの音声インタラクション(英語)- 無限に楽しめるレベル生成モード- キャラクターや魔法との視線追跡インタラクション(Quest Proのみ)- 非対称Co-opで友達とチームを組もう!
🏆 Winner of Best Updated Game - UploadVR 🏆 Winner of Best Innovation - NYX Game Awards
Experience magical powers in a world inspired by the atmosphere of films like Fantasia and Harry Potter! Combine arcane ingredients into a boiling cauldron with the help of an ancient talking skull, unleashing spells upon a fully interactive and mysterious world using cutting-edge technologies like eye-tracking, voice interaction and more!
⭐️ “Aldin helped pioneer VR as we know it today” - Road to VR ⭐️ “VR already has some exceptionally well-received games, like Waltz of the Wizard” - Rolling Stone Magazine
Highlight features - Cutting-edge voice, eyes- and gesture interaction abilities - Large campaign with storyline, combat and challenges - Hundreds of voice interactions (English) - Infinite level generation mode for endless fun - Eye-tracking interactions with characters and magic (Quest Pro only) - Team up with a friend in asymmetric co-op!
Waltz of the Wizard(アドベンチャー、探検、シミュレーション)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Best game ever! ''Waltz of the wizard: Natural magic" is a very intersting and well made game. It is well thought and there are so many things i liked. If i am being honest i liked everything, every detail in the game. I like the idea of being able to hear what the peolpe in the prison's cells tells. Also i really liked that we can open gateways to other dimensions. And there is no way i can exclude the talking skull and all the conversations we can make. The only thing I wish we could do is go to the basement where we sometimes see a person coming out of there. I also wish the game had more updates and new areas to unlock.
fun but things i dont like. so when i shut of my computer im playing the game i shut the game down first then shut of my computer and when i got back on it restarted all my progress only for the story mode/other dimention i was on level 14 or 15 i know i did not spell it right but still you get the point, also i dont know if this is controler drift or game bug but it mostly happens in the story mode but on the left controler the thing to move you perspective so you dont have to move in real life and it thinks im moving it but im not, but other than that pretty good game good graphics and very funny and 2 questions, when is the voice command update going to drop, and how do i fix this?
Oculus touch controler. I want to give this a good review and more stars BUT after playing the Wiz tower and the courtyard, once you go into the main game, it is too hard to "gather magic" using the Oculus touch controler. My arms actually hurt after playing this game and not in a good way.
In response to the developers response below: UPDATE: In most games, to make a fist you press both the grip button and trigger button. In this game, you need to hold down the grip button - trigger button and press down on the movement joystick - this makes the correct fist to gather magic. It is a little disconcerning because you usually end up moving when you press all three. But otherwise once you get this working, the game is pretty nice, and challegning in many areas. I am changing my stars from 1 star to 4 stars.
game crashes right away ;(. the game looked awsome when i tryed it. but i dont know what happened i cannot start the game anymore it just crashes right after i try and start it up and i bought it yesterday.
Part of the game locked. The voice commands do not work for me. I suspect this has something to do with the fact that I'm situated in Europe as I can't find anything about similar issues online (tripple checked the settings too, nothing wrong there). Now I wouldn't care too much about this if it wouldn't literally block you from progessing in the game.
Don't get me wrong this game is great. It's so much fun to figure out all the things you can do and find all the things you can do. I love the handtracking in this game. It makes it feel just a little more real. It's an awesome game to just mess around in and explore. You just need to keep in mind that some of the content will probably stay locked if you're in Europe and there's no work around or any way to skip this.
Painful use from Oculus touch controler. I want to give this a good review and more stars BUT after playing the Wiz tower and the courtyard, once you go into the main game, it is too hard to "gather magic" using the Oculus touch controler. My arms actually hurt after playing this game and not in a good way.
が再生されない。 何が起こったのかわからないが、インストールができない、13Bで停止する
doesnt play. not sure whats happened but cant get to install,stops at 13B
Amazing! This is such an enjoyable VR experience! Interacting with the enviornment is fun but added to this is that you can find secrets and put ingredients in a cauldron to mix up some spells, along with some mini games. I like the extra characters that pops up which gives it a bit more variation as well. (and bit of a surprise first time!) The Maze is a very good addition and I'd love an even more expanded game like this, maybe with more rooms in the tower to explore and/or alchemy. More hats! But nevertheless, very fun and I find myself coming back to it to just hang around in the amazinging enviornment.
Excellent CROSS-BUY experience! If your a fan of Harry Potter or just magic, This is for you! My kids can not stop playing it. I would genuinely like to thank the developers for making the experience cross-buy (You buy it on the Rift you get it free on the Quest & vice versa) So I can now show friends and family this excellent experience on my new Quest! Thank you!
まさに同じだ。 私はOculus riftを手に入れてほぼすぐにオリジナルのWaltz of the Wizardを手に入れ、お金はかかったが、全体的に良いゲームであるはずの新バージョンの話を聞いたときには興奮した。彼らが追加したものは良いタッチだったが、それはそれである。本当に何も変わっていませんでした。これは、VRに新しい人々のために完全に良いですが、私は個人的には、小さな変更は、これは5または6ドルの経験のように感じるが、10ドルである価格のバンプをvaladateするのに十分なことをしなかったと思います。
very same-y. i got the original Waltz of the Wizard almost as soon as a got my oculus rift, and was exited when i heard about a new version that did cost money, but was supposedly a better game all around. so, i bought this game and messed around for about an hour and a half, and it feels the same. Dont gete me wrong, its an icredibly fun experence for those new to VR, bu witht the new edition i was hoping for something more. the things they did add were nice touches, but thats it. Nothing really changed at all. This is perfectly fine for people new to VR, but i just personally didnt think the small changes did enough to valadate the price bump, which is 10 dollars, although this feels more like a 5 or 6 dollar experience.
良かったです。 なぜか.......scaryみたいな感じだった気がします。
Good. I think for some reason it was kind of like.......scary