great idea, poor execution. tl;dr the lack of ablitiy to move or tell the game your height makes this game unplayable, don't waste your money.
The plank game requires you to put your feet and arms on two different squares to activate. This worked the first time but the second time I booted the game up the squares were too far apart for me to reach so I couldn't activate it. There is no game/settings menu to tell the game your height so there is no way to rectify the issue. I think it may have asked my height the first time I booted the game (the one time it worked), but there is no menu so there is no way to correct the game if it gets mistaken about your height down the line.
There is an ab game that requires you to sit in a chair and lift your legs, the game always places my virtual chair on the edge of my oculus gaurdian boundary so my legs would be kicking my desk. There is no locomotion/teleporting of any kind in the game, so getting the "chair" to be in a place that aligns with the reality outside of the oculus is pretty much impossible making this workout game unplayable.
The squat dragon game is a cool idea, but again due to the game not understanding my height (or something), the game fails to register a full squat on my end and becomes unplayable. This was the only game that was slightly playable though.
I could keep going but suffice to say this game has a lot of bugs and needs some basic features to be viable. Any 5 star review on this game must be written by a friend or someone who didn't actually try to play the game/workouts, because there is just no way you can reasonably call this game 5 stars lol.
good relaxing game ! i put 4 stars for the effort ! first time in VR we use controler original ways like puting controler on your feet. nice and relax training. the dragon riding is pretty cool in its control. definetly not a common game ;)
投稿者:Luc Pepito Mc Nichols
奇妙なフィットネスのようなもの。 横になったりしてね。
Some weird fitness thing. You're supposed to lie down or something.
Dragon squats are fun. The dragon is a smooth and immersing squat workout that will not injure you like some of the boxing fitness games out there. if you dont like the squats in some of the other fitness games give this a try.
good concept. 良いコンセプトだ。ドラゴンの頭が視界を遮って、どこに向かっているのかわからない。操作性が悪い。どうやって選択するのか(トリガーを引くのか、文字を見るのか)がわからない。
good concept. good concept. The dragon's head is blocking my view--can't see where i'm going. The controls are wonky. can't figure out how to select (either pull the trigger or look at the words).