Can't get started!? ...ok got it! It just keeps telling me to unlock weapons before I can even use a gun. How on earth do you unlock weapons??? I am just selecting the pistol. ANSWER: Okay I figured it out. Think "robotron". The left thumb stick moves and the right one shoots. I was pulling the trigger on the right expecting to fire a gun; like you would think a cowboy game would work. So...I love the idea of the game and it is a great start, but the aiming is diffficult (I found it easier to shoot in one direction and then move the man back and forth rather than aim the shots). Less than intuative interface. BUT, well workth 2$ and I am very much hoping for updates in the near future.
Pretty basic. Despite progressing, every level appears exactly the same.
I would like to see some variety in missions. Perhaps some stealth, bank jobs etc.
Great Graphics and Easy Controls. This game has great visuals and laid back controls , U can just sit and play unlike many other games which require u to go through a lot of physical activity , I love the gameplay , its challenging but doesnt strain u out , no matter how many hours u play like other VR games
Not Just a typical shooter game. The graphics looks great and the levels are really challenging , the levels need a lot of planning as u progress , it was quite challenging and entertaining
Pretty Laid back and challenging game. cool laid back game with great visuals, took me quite a lot of time to complete all the levels , completely worth what I've paid for