Awesome Co-op Game... No Cross-buy?. I love this game, and yes, you should get it if you want a fun asymetrical co-op experience. I play it with my daughter frequently.
My big gripe is that there's no cross-buy with the Quest 2, which puts a sour taste in my mouth, as I've paid $25 once, and while I love the devs, its weird to have to pay again to use it on the same device I've been using it on, but with the ability to use other computers.
Stuck like glue. I need some help please. I I'm playing solo so I'm playing as both characters, which is really cool! my problem is that as the reaper man I try to pick up my blocks, but everything's like stuck like glue. I can't get it to let go or go where I want to drop it. what am I doing wrong? thanks.
Better than marriage counselling. Every since my wife and I started playing this, our marriage has become incredible. We talk more, we interact much better, and we know how to collaborate much easier. Thanks Game!
Good puzzle platformer coop. My wife and I didn't really enjoy this ourselves, but it is a decent puzzle platformer and one of the few VR games you can play with a non-VR person, so extra star for that. Decent game overall, just not our cup of tea.
非常におすすめです。 ローカルCo-opゲームの素晴らしい逸品
Highly recommended. An amazing gem of a local co-op game