Jet Island is massive open world and you have an arsenal of tools that will allow you to travel through this world at extreme speeds! When standing on your hoverboard, the ground below you becomes frictionless. Perfect for sliding up and down the mountainous terrain. To control the direction of your movement and gain even more speed, you have two wrist mounted jet thrusters. You also have grappling hooks to swing from tall structures and climb up the side of giant monsters. The combination of these tools provide a freedom of movement unlike any other. There are no limits to what you can do. It's the closest feeling to learning how to fly.
Features: 4 Massive boss fights Giant open world Physics and gameplay build from the ground up for VR Go Solo or Online with friends Find and defeat drones to unlock higher stats Slide, jet, and swing anywhere at extreme speeds No limit to how far and fast you can fly
Underrated Masterpiece. This game is awesome. It's a bit intense at first, this is the only game thats made me fall IRL. The immersion and sense of scale is awesome. You're basically like Spider-Man on a Surfboard.
Amazing game. This in my opinion is one of the must gets of vr games. it is so fun to fly around in. i could just run around in that game and to do anything at all and still have a blast in it. 10/10 must recommended
Amazing game. This in my opinion is one of the must gets of vr games. it is so fun to fly around in. i could just run around in that game and to do anything at all and still have a blast in it. 10/10 must recoment
Wow. This was definetly one of the best VR experiences i've had. I'm glad I decided to give it a try. After a couple hours the controls and movement felt natural and really fun. I almost fell down one of the first times I used the hooks but no problem after that.
それは素晴らしい。 コロッサスの影のようなもので、ウィンドランズと混ざっている。傑作
Its brillant. Its like Shadow of the Colossus, mixed with Windlands. Masterpiece
An Incredible Experience. Jet Island is currently my favorite VR game. It does so much right to create a unique and fun experience for the player. Whether it's jumping off a ramp, swinging around towers, fighting drones and giant bosses, or just sliding down a hill on your hoverboard, Jet Island keeps you constantly entertained. It might take some time to get the hang of the jets and hookshots, but once you have an understanding for them, it makes just moving from point A to B one of the most fun activities in the world. Not only that, but Jet Island is still getting updates and support such as a Level Editor in the near future. Master Indie, if you're reading this, you knocked it out of the park with Jet Island and I can't wait to see what's next from you.