Create a Zoo and Ocean in your home with over 160 creatures - 複合現実/拡張現実の中で実際の周囲にいる動物を見るための周囲確認を可能にし、あなたの家に動物園または海の水族館を作る - 動物の手配を可能にするハンドトラッキング(コントローラーも同様に動作します) - 動物のコピーと拡大オプションでランダムな産卵オプションと削除オプションで、動物は置き可能で移動可能 - 新しいボーナスジャングルエリアで楽しむ動物20のシーン -- animals: 100+ ocean and 60+ land/air - 動物には、恐竜、サメ、クジラ、シマウマ、ライオン、虎、ライオン、ライオン、鳥、サンフィッシュ、カワウソ、ペンギン、モーリッシュ、ヒョウ、カバ、鹿、牛、イルカ、ピエロ魚、ワニ、ヒトデ、亀、山ヤギ、犬、猫、馬、イカ、ディスカス、カープ、トラウト、キツネ、タコ、マーリン、トラ、動物園動物、一般的でエキゾチックな魚、その他多く もっと!
Landz and Seaz Mixed Reality(シミュレーション)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Different Versions Confusing. Firstly I would say that the thing I actually came for to see the fish in passthrough is excellent. I started with some sharks floating around which looked really cool.
Then I had fun spawning all the fish and grabbing them, found a little octopus thing and sat it next to me on my desk.
The criticism is that I bought the Fish passthrough which was on applab, I then noticed that there was another version on the meta store at a slightly higher price. I bought the other version thinking it would be the most official version. Confusingly the fish passthrough version also has zoo animals and fictional animals like the Anklyo.
I have them both installed on my quest 3 and I can't really tell the difference. Perhaps they are the same app? What I can say is that they both start with a load of random stuff like an anklyo and a Dino of some kind In my space. You have to push buttons to get to the passthrough aquarium. I really would rather not have random animals, I really just want the fish.
My Quest is getting full and I have had to delete some games already so I don't really like having unnecessary stuff. Especially 2 versions of the same game where I can't discern the difference.
I think the Devs should optimise this and just sell one game with fish and another with the zoo and fictional animals.Why force me to download a library of dinosaurs and zoo animals If I only want the fish. If they did that and maybe made the menus look a bit more artistic this would be a classic.
It's something I would play now and again for 5-10 minutes to relax to. It's an excellent product but please resolve the confusion with the multiple versions on the store. I now feel like I have to waste a lot of time finding out what all the different versions are and which one to toss and which to keep, something that shouldn't be put on your playerbase.
5 star mixed reality. Wow def surprised that I would like using my hands and not controllers to interact with so many animals and fish. Especially loved playing around with my new pet turtles. All looked too real j