StarWaves is the embodiment of sound, space and visual design rolled into one. It is a unique sound app for creative minds. StarWaves gives the sound designer the architect's role by creating dialogues between sound, space and visual elements. The sonic material is being represented in 3D and can use spatial tools like positioning and rotation in continuous transformations. The StarWaves environment is built in a non-gravitational space and physical realm, the kinetic interaction of its elements and triggering of sonic events. Here, the sound has no separate existence from space, time and motion. It is the result of a causal and visual narrative in motion. StarWaves uses transmitters sending particals or beams of light to trigger sonic events down to granular level with kinematic precision. One can capture different scene organizations and animate continuous sequences / transformations between them. StarWaves VR uses the virtual reality environment fully for a perfect narrative medium. Optional additional scene textures and designs are available for enhancing the experience. StarWaves is designed & developed by Sinan Bokesoy / sonicPlanet. Preset sound designs made by Laurent Mialon. StarWaves desktop version has been first released on 2022 and was selected as "Gear of the Year / Best App 2022" by FutureMusic. Please check for further instructions and manual.