Mining asteroids is the only way to collect critical energy crystals for powering civilization in this futuristic arcade game. You are a new recruit, assigned to pilot a mining drone to collect rare crystals for powering a future civilization.
The fastest way to collect these crystals is to destroy the asteroid and collect the crystals from the debris. The drone has two main tools for doing the job, a plasma beam and rockets. Each tool has advantages and disadvantages, so plan their use appropriately.
The drone also comes with shields which will automatically activate any time your drone takes damage. It can’t take much of a beating, so be careful not to bump into too many things out there. Oh, and be careful of other drones in the area. There are other miners competing for the same resources and they have better tech than we do. I wouldn’t be surprised if they decide to attack your drone to wipe out the competition…so wipe them out first.
The drone control center comes with various features to help ease motion sickness, as new recruits tend to have a hard time with navigating the 3D environment.