Get ready for the New AstroPark Update! We're expanding your space adventure with thrilling additional minigames! Introducing Moon and Black Hole, two new wonders in AstroPark. Prepare to dive into new worlds as you explore an asteroid belt on your journey to the moon and uncover the magic of black holes in our observatory. Strap on your spacesuit once more and blast off to AstroPark! Your destination for space exploration and learning. Note: We're tirelessly working to bring you even more space fun in future updates!
Immersive and beautiful! Really loved being able to learn about gravity and Mars from the comfort of my couch! I was really impressed with this experience, very nice art and content. Also, available in Spanish and English, which is very rare for an AppLab game. There’s a lot of potential for growth!
スリリングな銀河の冒険が待っている!Astro Park VRは、その鮮やかなビジュアルであなたを宇宙へと誘う感覚的な饗宴を提供します。光り輝く小惑星帯から巨大なガス惑星まで、細部までこだわり抜かれたデザインが没入感を高め、真の宇宙探検家になったような気分にさせてくれる。私が特に気に入ったのは、重力異常をナビゲートすることで、楽しいだけでなく、物理の実地レッスンのように驚くほど勉強になった。セッションは簡潔でありながら、私の好奇心を刺激する魅力的なアクティビティがぎっしり詰まっている。どの瞬間も楽しめたが、自分の動きをもう少しコントロールしたいと思ったこともあった。今後のアップデートに期待したい。Astro Park VRは、教育とエンターテインメントを見事に融合させたVR空間の宝石だ。このバーチャル宇宙での学習の可能性は本当に高い。
A Thrilling Galactic Adventure Awaits! Astro Park VR dazzles with its vivid visuals, offering a sensory feast that transports you straight into the cosmos. The game's meticulous design details, from the shimmering asteroid belts to the mighty gas giants, all add to the immersion, making you feel like a true space explorer. The standout for me was navigating the gravitational anomalies, not only fun but also surprisingly educational, like a hands-on physics lesson. The sessions are succinct, yet they're densely packed with engaging activities that never fail to pique my curiosity. While I relished every moment, I did find myself wishing for a bit more control over my movement, which I hope future updates might address. Astro Park VR is a gem in the VR space, masterfully blending education with entertainment. I am eagerly awaiting more educational content; the potential for learning in this virtual universe is truly sky-high.
Beautiful with a lot of potential! I tried it on Quest 3 and it looked really colorful and beautiful. I was amazingly surprised by the experiences but I hope there is a lot more to come in the future. The traveling felt like I was using hyperdrive and the fact that I could choose the gravity in the Newton experience was awesome! But they were all really short. Also, the fact that I couldn’t use the stick to move myself left and right was bothersome. I hope that changes in the future. But again, overall it was really fun and visually stunning!