TrueTennisVR lets you play tennis anytime, anywhere. With a Meta Quest 2, our TrueRacket, and the TrueTennisVR software, you're able to work out, build skills, compete on leaderboards, and work with your coach, any time, anywhere.
True to life tennis physics! This is by far the best tennis software in all of VR. Sadly, the genius code of physics in this title will go over the heads of 90% of people who try it, as I think you need to be level 7 and above to truly appreciate the nuance of physics at work here.
It's also a genius move by the development team not to bother with gimmicky teleportations and clunky movement for this title, as it simply does not work for a full-court game like tennis, where micro-adjustments to positioning are required. Instead, they correctly focused on a stationary room-based playstyle where you can realistically position yourself to the ball based on the size of your room-scale space. This title also exposed Quest 3 as being significantly inferior to Quest 2 in terms of controller tracking, as they cannot release a racquet attachment for Quest 3 due to controller tracking limitations. I have this title a 4-star instead of 5 because I feel they could do much more with the drills and drill user customization. As it stands, it looks a bit lazy despite the great work behind the physics engine. For an app that strictly focuses on stationary practice, being unable to select your own drills and duration is a huge shortcoming - get on it, team!
Cannot calibrate my adapter. This app seems to tolerate only a genuine truetennis adapter, which I don't want. I don't want to break my controller against a wall. I have build my own adapter which is pretty similar, except that it is protected on top with soft material. I clicked on "I have one", but nothing happens. Seems this app is more of a teaser. Physics feel better than E-sport, completely different from FPT, but I would need a correct calibration to judge the physics and eventually promote this game on my YT Channel.
Sucks. I broke my finger because of the app Playing it
Can't connect. It ask to connect with the website, once i have code sent and enter in the headset, it states that the code is invalid. Tried twice
Update After fixing the issue by developer, i was able to connect my account. I have been playing since then. Great work out. I love it, my son loves it. Very happy client
いいねー 本当にこのゲームの感触が好きです🎾 MP追加してくれたら参加します👀🎾。
Nice. Really like the feel of this game 🎾 if you add MP I’m in 👀🎾
this is like playin for real! The way the ball strikes the racket, the way it bounces, I love the targets too - plus the routine selection is solid. No excuse now... I'll be practicing my VOLLEYS actually?!