Take a walk through the Forest of Resilience: a place of wonder where you can grow your resilience and learn how to stay focused and present.
Everything you need to be resilient is already within you, ready to be unlocked. You’ll go on a journey through a mesmerising forest and uncover the four stages of resilience: engaging with adversity, persisting, rebounding and learning.
Guided by nature, you will benefit from exercises drawing from science, and specially designed to build resilience:
*種をまいて、回復力の成長を見守る * 逆境の時にどうやって持続できるかを学ぶ * Breathe with the forest in an exercise that helps you feel more present *ボディスキャンで身体の自分とつながる *木の葉を使ってネガティブな思考を解放する
We premiered this experience at MIT EmTech Next 2022, where people said it helped them feel “calmer” and "more grounded”. And the forest is free to experience – just as nature should be.