Move like a pedestrian in a semi-medieval town, reconstructed from videos taken by a helmet-held 360 camera, whose trajectory is about 1km long.
Right controller: - Rotate on the left or right by using the joystick - Update the vertical offset (up or down) by using the joystick - Choose a location and teleport to it by using the virtual laser pointer - Teleport by using the index trigger only if the laser is green (not red)
Left controller: - Move continuously by using the joystick - Switch pannel and map by using the grip/hand trigger - If both map and pannel are disabled, switch between rendering modes (texturing or normal colors) by pressing the index trigger - The map shows the cloud of mesh vertices and the user location - If the pannel is enabled, switch between constrained and unconstrained motions by pressing the index trigger - The constrained motion controls your height above the ground - The pannel shows information about the 3D model and the selected motion.
feels uncomfortable. Headset movement is magnified, so that when you move your head 1 cm to your left, you would see it moving several times that to your left. This makes the vision disorienting/uncomfortable and almost no better than a flat display. Controller pointer's pointing angle is also magnified, making it unintuitive. Otherwise, this would be an enjoyable experience.