Kitesurfing is an extreme sport. It is quite complex and requires some advanced skills to practice it. You can get impression of what it looks like, have some fun, face the obstacles, perform some jumps. The kite control is the key to this sport - it is required to be practiced and takes time to learn. With Kitesurfing VR you can develop some skills even at home.
Wtf is this? カイトサーフィンを学ぶのは間違っています。 物理学が実際のカイトサーフィンに全くマッチしていないのです。これは実際に多くの可能性を持っているので、最悪です。でも、どうなんでしょう?このアプリを作る前に実際にカイトサーフィンをしていないのか?
Wtf is this? Learn to kitesurf WRONG. The physics do not match up with actual kitesurfing at all. That sucks, because this actually has lots of potential. But wtf man? Did you not actually go kitesurfing before creating the app??
できることなら0点でもいい。 何もできない、ただの水、それ以上何もできない。
I woud do a 0 if i can. Its so bad you can't do anything its just water nothing more
Looks good. I wish I could understand how to control. There is no tutorial and I am not even sure what to do. Maybe it would be nice to have an easy mode (aka the game either tell you what to do, or help you control the kite) and realistic mode...