Hockey Bockey is a fluid and fun VR Sport played on a seamless rink with curved boards. Every aspect of the arena is designed to keep the play moving and to allow the players to make spectacular moves and plays with their friends. AI bots are there to insure you never have an empty game, even when you are playing alone!
Features: - Features 3v3, 2v2, and 1v1 full multiplayer game modes - Dynamic AI Bots that can pass, shoot and check will make sure you always have a full game - AI goalies that keep the ball moving and out of your net - Curved arena walls allow for astounding trick passes and moves - Matches are easy to start and join - Practice your moves on a goalie in your private practice rink - Customize your player, helmet, pads and stick
Great game! This is one of my favorite games on my quest 2, people have been saying that no one plays this game but ever since about a month ago there has been a lot of servers to play in. Once you get the hang of this game it’s awesome. BUY IT!
投稿者:Jaymo Grady
はい! ゲーテッド
本当にクール、性能の問題 私はこれを買って、飛び込んで、すぐにオンラインマッチに追加されました。 スティックの扱いは直感的ではないが、あなたは慣れると思う。 一度何とか点を取ったことさえある。 私は楽しい時間を過ごしました。メカニックはクールです。 この動きは勢いの多いジョイスティックです。grab n pullとかではありません。