Hi)story of a Painting is an animated VR and 360 series aimed at engaging young audiences with art by creating accessible and relatable experiences focused on the human stories behind some of the world’s most iconic art. The visuals and virtual environment of each
episode appear in support of the narration, helping to illustrate and anchor the narrator’s story in the viewer’s mind. We want to inspire young and new audiences through the stories of our featured artists’ struggles and successes.
History Of A Painting - "What's the point?"(旅・探検)の評価数と総合順位の推移
History Of A Painting - "What's the point?"(旅・探検)の評価とレビュー
Very educative. Lovely VR experience about an important character of the European art world. The narration is entertaining and the episode makes the most of the VR space to engage the viewer.
had higher expectations. Story is told with quite broad strokes and I found it a bit boring. Would have liked to see more examples of the art from the three "schools", and some personal letters or diaries from key artists.
Pointilism is also problematic in VR as the headset resolution is too low, causing aliasing. In order to perceive this painting better, you would need to enlarge parts of it, or move the camera closer.
なぜ録音できないのか? 全体的にはとても芸術的で良いと思います。
Why can't we record it?. Overall though, this is very artsy and good.
Enjoyable and educational. I enjoyed this and would love to see more like it. The graphics could be better but it was interesting and cool. Thanks devs!
Unexpectedly Enjoyable. Really lovely use of the Quest. A story of a painting, and the life story of the Painter told really beautifully through VR. Thoroughly enjoyable and interesting even for those with a passing interest in art. I hope this is the first of many, as certainly would be a great way to get the history of art to the masses in a very approachable manner. Well done 👍
現実の図書館.comのレビュー:.脚本とナレーションによるストーリーは面白いが、細部に欠け、せいぜい若いティーン向けのように感じられる。さらに、10分間のアニメ・シークエンスのアート・スタイルがシンプルなのも、アニメのオブジェクトの質感が点描画のスタイルを巧みに模倣しているとしても、このディテールの欠如と呼応している。皮肉なことに、さまざまな純色の小さな点を使って鮮やかな画像を作り出す点描画の技法は、バーチャルリアリティの絵画シリーズを始めるには最適な題材ではないだろう。画家の尖った筆使いは、デジタルVRスクリーンの限られたピクセルと衝突し、ストロボ効果を生み出すため、意図された通りに絵画を鑑賞することが難しくなる。これまでの『History Of A Painting』シリーズに多くの労力が費やされてきたことは明らかで、現在公開されている2つのエピソードですでにクオリティが向上していることも喜ばしい。しかし、バーチャルリアリティーが何を提供するのかがわからない。同じようなストーリーをフラットスクリーンで上映しても同じように成功したのではないだろうか?また、若者の関心を引くことが目的なら、教室の大型フラットスクリーンやプロジェクションの方が、バーチャル・リアリティ・ヘッドセットのレンズを通して一人一人に見せるよりも簡単なはずだ。また、その後、YouTubeのGreat Art Explainedチャンネルでこれらのテーマについてさらに理解を深めたが、ほぼ同じ時間でより多くのことを学ぶことができた。若い10代に適した良い脚本。❌ 目立たないグラフィック・プレゼンテーション。❌ バーチャルリアリティはこれらの物語には必要ないように思える。
Library of Realities.com review:. The written and narrated story is entertaining but lacking in detail and feels like it's aimed at a young teen audience at best. Furthermore, the simplicity in the art-style of the ten minute animated sequence echoes this lack of detail, even if the texture of the animation objects cleverly mimic the poinillism style.
Ironically, the pointillism technique of using tiny dots of various pure colors to produce vivid images probably isn't the best subject to begin a virtual reality series on paintings. The painter's pointed brush-strikes clash with the limited pixels of the digital VR screen, producing a strobing effect that makes it difficult to appreciate the painting the way it was intended.
It's clear that a lot of work has gone into the History Of A Painting series so far, and it's also pleasing to see the progression of quality that's already occurred in the two episodes currently available. We do fail to see however what virtual reality has to offer here. Surely these same stories could have been shown just as successfully as flatscreen presentations? And if the goal is to engage young adults, then it must be easier to do it on a large flat screen or projection in a classroom than it is on a one-by-one basis through the lenses of a virtual reality headset. Also, afterwards we sought out further understanding of these subjects with the Great Art Explained channel on YouTube, and found that we learned much more in around the same amount of time.
✅ Good scripts suitable for young teens. ❌ Unremarkable graphical presentation. ❌ Virtual reality doesn't seem necessary for these stories.
I'd call this a "Visual Essay". It's a brief history lesson on Georges Seurat's famous painting "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" and the birth of Pointillism. Great little intro to VR piece perfect for kids or people would have a hard time using the controllers.
very good concept. dont think i will ever forget how and when this historical painting came about and the place it took in arts history. WELL DONE. little comment: the paintings size took away some of the unfolding surroundings behind it.
A Joy to See. 私はこれを見るのがとても楽しかったです。多くの人にアートを身近に感じてもらえる素晴らしい方法だと思います。もっと見たい!」と思うようになりました。
A Joy to See. I really enjoyed watching this. It’s a wonderful way to bring art to life for many people. I can’t wait to see more!