ウォルト・ディズニー・アニメーション・スタジオの短編アニメーション『Myth: A Frozen Tale』で、かつてないディズニー映画『アナと雪の女王』の世界を体験しよう。 アレンデリアン一家と一緒にベッドタイム・ストーリーを楽しんでいると、突然、家の中が魔法の森に変わってしまう。 空気、火、水、土の精霊がその存在を明らかにする。 伝統的な手描きアニメーションとCGアニメーションの組み合わせが、オリジナル・スコアに振り付けられ、観客を前面に押し出した映像詩となっている。 ナレーション:エヴァン・レイチェル・ウッド音楽:ジョセフ・トラパネーゼ上映時間:8分10秒
Experience the world of Disney’s Frozen as never before with Walt Disney Animation Studios’ animated short film, Myth: A Frozen Tale. Just as you settle in and enjoy a bedtime story with an Arendellian family, the home suddenly shifts around you, as you are transported into an enchanted forest. Things are not as they first appear, as the elemental spirits of air, fire, water and earth make their presence known.
The combination of traditional hand-drawn & CG animation are choreographed to an original score resulting in a visual poem where the audience is front and center.
Narrated by Evan Rachel Wood Music by by Joseph Trapanese Runtime: 8min 10 sec
Great for little ones. This is the only VR experience I have found that doesn’t require any selections to be made. My 3 year old absolutely loves it and has watched it a dozen times at least, and asks to watch it every day.
If you have a small child and want them to experience VR, this is a perfect introduction.
Worth the money, here me out. My 7 and 5 year kids enjoy the video. To be honest, it was nice to pull something up that didn't require much brain power. They were about to enjoy the visual, but still have the interactive experience. Both kids asked to watch it multiple times. I wish there was more things like this
投稿者:Keisha Beach
Absolutely cute. My whole family loves this it's like actually being in the movie and understanding the sizes of everything it's so nice my 7 year old asks to play it all the time
Stopped working. We loved it and it was a great introduction for my 4 year old to be able to enjoy something on her sisters VR. I would give it 5 stars if it wasn’t for the fact that it just stopped loading. It would go to the Disney screen and just stop what a Waste.
Daughter loved it! Truly she did. My daughter is a huge frozen fan! So her being able to go into the world of magic was everything to her! Definitely recommend for the littles.
Impressive. The história was well told and the graphics effects are 8/10, the only thing that need to fix is, enable us to cast the VR Content só that others can see.
投稿者:Marcel Machado
神話 凍てつく物語。短編映画を楽しみました😊馬が美しかったし、岩の造形の巨人が大好きです。
Myth A Frozen Tale. I enjoyed the short film 😊 the horse was beautiful and then I love the Giant in rock formations thoroughly enjoyed the way the story was told and everything was presented.
Frozen review. It is a really cool experience. However, ours just stopped loading and we cannot get it to work at all. It goes to the Disney Animation screen and does nothing. That is unfortunate because my daughters really love it and I even thought it was cool
Okay for what it is. I’m a huge Frozen fan, so I’m definitely biased here but I’m happy with my purchase. The experience is a couple minute long prologue to the second film explaining the creation of the 5 spirits we see in the film. The animation feels rough in places, like a choppy fireplace. I also wish it did not start fading to black if you look where you aren’t “supposed to”. I enjoyed the overall art direction though. I can see why people wish it were free but it’s still only $3. While you don’t see any characters from the film, seeing the earth giants and water knock in VR is easily worth that to me.