!! SXSW Best Use of Immersive Arts 2019 受賞 !注:これはゲームではなく、物語ドキュメンタリー体験です。 「ホーム・アフター・ウォー "は、つい最近までイスラム国(IS)の支配下にあった街、ファルージャを訪れる、ルームスケールのインタラクティブなバーチャルリアリティ体験だ。 ISとの戦争は終わったが、街はまだ安全ではない。 帰還難民には、ブービートラップが仕掛けられた家屋や、近隣の即席爆発装置(IED)という、迫り来る恐怖がある。 アフマイド・ハマド・カラフと彼の家族は、戦闘が収まった後に自宅に戻った。 ブービートラップが仕掛けられているかもしれない家に戻った彼の話を聞きながら、物理的に歩くか、テレポートして空間を移動して、アフマイドの家を探検してみよう。 スペースに埋め込まれた360°ビデオで、彼の家の壁の外の生活を目撃してください。 アフマイドの喪失感や希望を聞く。 かつて愛した家を恐れることがどのようなことなのかを学んでください。 警告:この体験には不穏な内容が含まれます。 視聴には慎重を期してください。 光過敏性てんかんや心的外傷後ストレス障害のある方には適さない場合があります。
!! Winner of SXSW Best Use of Immersive Arts 2019 !!
NOTE: This is not a game, but a narrative documentary experience.
"Home After War" is a room-scale, interactive virtual reality experience that takes you to Fallujah, a city that was, until recently, under Islamic State (IS) control. The war against IS has ended but the city is still unsafe.
There’s one looming fear for returning refugees – booby trapped homes and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in the neighbourhoods. Ahmaied Hamad Khalaf and his family returned home after the fighting subsided.
Explore Ahmaied’s home by either walking physically or teleporting in the space as he tells you his story about returning to a home that might be booby trapped. Witness life outside the four walls of his house through 360° videos embedded in the space. Hear Ahmaied speak of his loss, and his hopes. Learn what it's like to fear the home you once loved.
WARNING: This experience contains disturbing content. Viewer discretion is advised. It may not be suitable for people with photosensitive epilepsy or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Amazing! This game was super good and emotional, the bad reviews are probably from people who can’t enjoy something that’s actually art and a good game. While I do like and have some action games on my VR, as well as many other genres, this game is still good.
Awesome. These free documentary apps continue to blow me away.
My review. It is sad story it is great I like sad story’s it was lovely I watched it so many times I think is amazing as it is. I hope you have a great day it dose not suck it’s perfect as it is for 10/10 👍👍👍🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
To those who 'thought it was a game',. Don't even bother to review. It clearly says in the description 'not a game', so don't throw it under the bus because you were too lazy to read. Even those who gave it a high rating call it a game, No..it's not a game. It's a documentary. If you were bummed about not being able to shoot baddies in Fallujah or throw grenades at Isis and had to hear the 'boring' man's story about how he lost 2 members of his family to terrorism, then you sir,m'aam clearly have the attention span of a gnat and should really stick to playing the old xbox until your brains turn into tapioca. It's even free. Don't accept free butterscotch candy from someone and then piss and moan how you don't like butterscotch.
Now that's out of the way, I enjoyed the DOCUMENTARY a lot. It seemed a little unfinished in parts where the dad was in mid sentence and cut out or you couldnt go upstairs. I hope more content like this gets developed for VR and the stupid 1 star reviews don't prevent that from happening. We have enough mindless shoot'em up games, thanks.