"Five Years Later" is an immersive documentary (6DoF) that addresses the social issues of migration, focusing on the case of the rescue ship Aquarius. On June 17, 2018, this ship docked at the port of the city of Valencia (Spain) with 629 people on board, who were rescued from drowning in the Central Mediterranean. On June 24, 2023, the fifth anniversary of its arrival was celebrated. Five years later, it reflects on how their life has been during these five years in Valencia through the life stories of two survivors: Mosses Von Kallon (president of the Aquarius Survivors Association) and Alhassane Diallo, along with his host family (Bartolomé Reig and Olga Bellon). It also includes testimonies from two activists within the host community: Mila Font (delegate of Doctors Without Borders) and Lorena Tortosa (journalist and communications collaborator for the Aquarius Survivors Association). This immersive narrative is one of the outcomes of the research project: "Immersive Prosocial Audiovisual Narratives: Measuring their Impact on Society and Analyzing their Formal and Technological Characteristics," funded by the AICO grant from the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science, and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana (CIAICO/2021/258, 2022-2044). The main purpose of this project is to assess the potential of immersive technologies as a new medium for storytelling with prosocial aims.