ネイティブVRビデオアプリ、DeoVRをお楽しみください。 ワンクリックでアクションに没頭。 グローバルなVRクリエイターコミュニティに参加して、VRの可能性を追求しましょう。 DeoVRのユニークなパススルーをお試しください。 また、ARビデオの始まりでもあります。 シームレスな触覚統合で有名なDeoVRは、より深く、よりつながったVR体験のための真の触覚インタラクションを提供します。 また、近日公開予定の「Build Your Own Journey」機能を使えば、次世代のインタラクティブなストーリーテリングに飛び込むことができ、ビデオをゲーム化した没入型体験に変える分岐ストーリーを作成し、他のVR共同探検者と共有することができます。 現在開発中の完全6自由度ボリューメトリック映像は、VRに新たな次元をもたらし、あらゆる体験をよりリアルなものにします。 DeoVRプレミアムは、あなたが視聴している動画のクリエイターから配信されており、私たちはVRの未来に投資しています。 今すぐコミュニティに参加して、Insta360 X4で撮影した動画でも、RF52を搭載したプロ仕様のCanon R5Cで撮影した動画でも、ご自身の動画をアップロードしてください。 世界と共有するもよし、非公開にするもよし、あなたの自由です。
Enjoy DeoVR, the native VR video app. Immerse yourself into action with a single click. Join a global community of VR creators bringing you to the edges of possible in VR. Try out DeoVR unique Passthrough bringing the action directly into your space giving a lifelike experience. Also marking the beginning of AR videos. Celebrated for seamless haptics integration, DeoVR delivers true tactile interaction for a deeper, more connected VR experience. And with the upcoming Build Your Own Journey feature, you can dive into the next generation of interactive storytelling, creating branching stories that turn videos into gamified, immersive experiences you can share with the other VR co-explorers. Our ongoing development of fully 6DOF volumetric videos brings a new dimension to VR, making every experience even more lifelike. With support from DeoVR Premium distributed by creators whose videos you are wortching, we’re investing in the future of VR. Join our community today to upload your own videos, whether captured on an Insta360 X4 or a professional Canon R5C with RF52. Share them with the world, or keep them private—it’s your choice.
Last week it worked like it was supposed to, now there is no sound over the videos, if i toggle passthrough the app crashes. Unuseable at the moment. Tried reinstalling it, same issues
DeoVR. I have purchased the DeoVR subscription they took my money for premuim but never send me a notification to redeem the purchased how do i get the notification
This app is straight trash. It desperately wants you to see their homepage, which no one is here for. And when you go to your page it just brings you back to the deo home page. It's super slow, I don't know where these devs went to school but they need to go back.
Nothing works! Not even menus on Quest3. Opened it up, presented with lots of lovely content but can't select(click) anything! Nothing works, no buttons, no touch, nothing.
Out of Control 13.13.1. In Meta Quest 2 and the latest version 13.13.1, the cursor is transparent and cannot operate the panel. The OS version of Meta Quest 2 is the latest version. The situation is the same and does not improve after reinstalling.
Not for children. Got this thinking it was a regular video player. Instead there were some regular videos interspersed with adult content. No parental controls or other settings to set age ratings.
since update nothing can be saved. Unfortunately, since the last update I can no longer save, not even the video format. No loops, no pitch purely nothing. Unfortunately, the developer also does not respond to my mails. I am now forced to switch to another VR player. Too bad, because I thought the app was great