From the comfort of your living room you can teleport almost anywhere in the world - whether you wish to walk across the London Bridge, stroll the gardens of the Taj Mahal, or witness the enormity of the Great Pyramids of Egypt - unlimited exploration awaits!
Notable features include: - Speech recognition for searching - Wikipedia integration for location-based learning - Historical jumping to witness changes over the years - Multiple navigation modes and more
Note: This app uses data from Google StreetView but is not an official Google product.
Geogusser機能も欲しい Meta questで一番利用しているアプリです。ところでBボタンを押して?を選ぶと世界のどこかに飛びますが、そこがどこであるかを観察と推測で当てるgeogusserのような機能があればもっと楽しめるのではないでしょうか?
Geogusser機能も欲しい Meta questで一番利用しているアプリです。ところでBボタンを押して?を選ぶと世界のどこかに飛びますが、そこがどこであるかを観察と推測で当てるgeogusserのような機能があればもっと楽しめるのではないでしょうか?
Geogusser機能も欲しい Meta questで一番利用しているアプリです。ところでBボタンを押して?を選ぶと世界のどこかに飛びますが、そこがどこであるかを観察と推測で当てるgeogusserのような機能があればもっと楽しめるのではないでしょうか?
Geogusser機能も欲しい Meta questで一番利用しているアプリです。ところでBボタンを押して?を選ぶと世界のどこかに飛びますが、そこがどこであるかを観察と推測で当てるgeogusserのような機能があればもっと楽しめるのではないでしょうか?
Geogusser機能も欲しい Meta questで一番利用しているアプリです。ところでBボタンを押して?を選ぶと世界のどこかに飛びますが、そこがどこであるかを観察と推測で当てるgeogusserのような機能があればもっと楽しめるのではないでしょうか?
2/3にアップデートがあり、待望の日本語化が行われ、検索にも日本語が使用できるようになりました。 しかし残念ながら、入力用キーボードに「あ」や「お」などの文字はなく、50音がそろっていないというありさま。 さらに候補も全く現れず、検索すら行われていないように思えます。英語版に直す方法もないので、現時点では文字入力による検索は一切できません。当分はアップデートしないことをお勧めします。 This update makes Wander trash for Japanese. Please fix or restore it ASAP !
Excellent. Really enjoying this app. It's been fun meandering around the old homesteads, Bodie Ghost Town, and many places throughout the world I've always wondered about. The resolution is very good, environments load fairly quickly, and you do get a sense of what it feels like to be there. Had pondered the purchase for months and I'm glad I finally jumped on it. So far, all positive.
Amazing! I’m guessing some of the past reviews reflect previous bugs which have now been fixed because I’ve had no issues with this app. It’s so interesting to see the world in such great detail. To go back to see my old homes, or to go back and look at hotels I stayed at or monuments I’ve visited. Amazing nostalgic feeling. It even let me see North Korea which let’s be honest, I’ll never be able to see in real life. I looked around the inside of a museum in Iceland too. I absolutely love this and I have so many more places to check out! It’s absolutely worth the money. It’s basically Google maps but you can actually go inside some places too and see things in VR. Favourite app so far!
Great app. I always compare these kind of apps with Google Earth VR, and this one does a great job. I really like the facility whereby you can go back in time to see how places have changed. In doing so in a couple of scenes, in one I can see my daughter walking past her old school and in another I can see my wife sitting in the garden with her (now deceased) dad. OK, so you can't fly around a 3D model of places like you can with Google Earth VR, but at least you don't need a high end computer to run it through. Definitely recommend it for anyone interested in travel, to either check out places you might be interested in visiting, or to reminisce about places you've been.
Absolutely Outstanding!!!! A must have!! I absolutely love this app!! It’s the only reason why I bought a VR headset! Due to health issues I am unable to travel, but thanks to this app I have been able to see the holy land and anywhere else I have always wanted to visit! The app is so easy to navigate and use, even for an old person like me! Definitely worth every single penny I spent to get this! I highly recommend this app for anyone who wants to see the world but is not able to travel! The only improvements I would like to see in future updates is the ability to navigate yourself in such a way as to be able to read signs, especially in the holy land, and maybe have someone who has better experience with splicing images together from google maps better, as there are a few times when things are spliced together so horribly that you sometimes miss the ability to appreciate the full experience and beauty of the world! Great work developers, keep it up!!!
投稿者:Nickole Schmidt
Google Earthのマルチプレイヤー。これはとても楽しい。基本的にはGoogleストリートビューだが、マルチプレーヤーであり、もちろん没入型VRだ。自分が行ったことのある場所を友人に案内したり、どこかをツアーしている既存のグループに加わったり、厳選されたリストを選んでテーマ内の場所から場所へと移動したりできる。まったりとした体験ができ、VR酔いもしない。私たちのお気に入りのグループ活動のひとつだ。
Google Earth multi-player. This is a lot of fun, basically Google Street View but multi-player and of course immersive VR. Show friends around places you've been, or join an existing group that's touring somewhere, or pick a curated list and move from location to location within a theme. It's a mellow experience, no VR sickness, and very easy to use for folks to learn. One of our favorite group activities.
My fave! I love this app! It’s an oasis for me. It’s easy to use and you can travel the world to see amazing sights and do tours with loved ones or strangers. It feels like such a privilege. Pro tip: you can see inside many museums, palaces and stately homes etc. too. My tiny gripes; locations and blue dots on the map don’t turn a different colour when you’ve visited them already. When there’s a jumble of blue dots at a place, it’s difficult to keep track of which ones you’ve already pressed or missed. Some dots no longer work (perhaps removed) but they appear exactly like active blue dots. Occasionally dots are incorrectly located on the map or there is a sight that’s viewable, but the map looks blank. (I learned this via the discovery section) Finally, It would be great to know when new locations, lines and dots have been recently added on the map. Perhaps a colour or shape differentiation system could solve some of these issues.