Play with FRIENDS or AI 様々な困難の中で、友達と対戦するか、チェスAIに対戦するかを選ぶことができます。
最後に嬉しいフィードバック This application was developed with authentic interactions in mind. テーブルキャリブレーションの後、あなたのUIがあなたの実際のテーブルに表示され、それを巨大なスマートスクリーンに変えます。 さらに私たちの実験モードでは、本物のチェスボードで遊ぶことができます。そこでは、あなたのすべてのチェスのピースを感じ、自然に動かすことができます。 コントローラーは絶対に必要ない。
Perfectly blending REALITY and VIRTUALITY このアプリは現実とバーチャリティの両方にある。 MIXED REALITYでは、まだあなたの本当の周りを見ることができます。 それはあなたのプレイパートナーや彼のチェスピースなどのデジタル要素で拡張されています。 あなたが物理的なチェスボードと物理的なピースで遊んでいる場合によっては、これらの資産はあなたの現実またはデジタルバーチャリティの一部です。
Already works well, lots of potential. I saw this on LinkedIn and purchased it to play vs AI and with friends. Both the virtual board and experimental MR mode work surprisingly well, with occasional difficulties recognizing my fingers picking up or dropping pieces.
Right now, there is no way to invite a specific friend, unfortunately. But if you both launch a game at the same time, the likelihood is very high you will be paired up. That’s one important feature I hope is coming soon.
Best of luck to the dev, this will be great! Five stars because it’s still experimental and worth supporting.
Great Mixed Reality chess game. This is the first social mixed reality game I ever played in Multiplayer. It it done very well! With the other player as avatar next to the chessboard and the mixed environment of my living room, I had the feeling of the other person really being in the same room as myself. Moving the chess pieces myself with my fingers through handtracking also gave it an extra boost of playing a real game vs. clicking items with my controller. The voice quality during the session was very good. I also played one match offline against an AI which reacted very good as well. It may be good to configure the expert level on the AI in a future update. Everyone interested in chess should clearly check out this innovative app!
Looking forward to playing the game... I got the game a few days ago but still unable to play. The game seems to be stuck on the very first window. I am keeping it for now as I had great hopes with the idea.
Great game 2 problems. Gameplay is very very good i have 2 complaints i wish when u accidentally move a piece to the wrong place and u wanna move it back but ur physical piece is in its same location i want a button to reverse the action and put it back in the last place and my second complaint isnt the devs fault theres just not any players online to play with but thats not the devs fault i think the most the devs could do to fix this problem is some sponsors or something but i love it and its a great game no hate this is just critisizm
Great app to play with friends. For me, this is the first app that captures the essence of mixed reality elegantly. The core functionality works robustly, the chessboard calibration process takes a little practice, but works as well. All in all a very innovative project that I happily support!
Game changing. This mixed reality paired with my chess board let's me practice over the board like never before, allowing me to play with virtual pieces against a bot in MR, Incredible! 4 stars only because it can be improved - for instance choosing your chessboard size. You have to move your hand to all these weird angles and it's clunky Setup for a chess board needs to be smoother. Maybe let's us touch the 4 corners of a chess board to choose the size? Lichess or Chess com implementation is a must + game pgn exporting so we can review games.
Game engine analysis would be great as well to study.
Overall a must for Mixed reality enthusiasts and chess lovers.