Good work in progress. I was originally really excited about this app. I checked out the trial version and was pretty impressed, the flow and functionality was pretty close to my company flows. Close enough that I went ahead and got the full version.
That's about the end of the similarities between company flows and this applications flows. I went through them all comparing my companys flow sheets with what the app had... desperately hoping there was some that I could use. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough similarities to make it worth using as a flow trainer.
I'm not going to give it a super low rating because I had higher expectations than what was on the app. I did read the other reviews and I have to agree with them.
To end things on a positive note, there are some really great things about the app that I like. Firstly, the paper tigers are useful, but the explore mode takes things to a whole other level. Being able to sit in the seat and have the VR ability to turn and see where each switch is (along with the description of what everything does when you select it) is awesome.
Even though the flow isn't in the order I need, there are some benefits to going through them at least once or twice. The way that it directs you to look at each individual part during a check is helpful (if you haven't been to initial training yet).
I don't regret the purchase, but for the serious flow studying, I crawled back into my cave and got out the paper tigers. I did use explorer mode and go through my company flows a few times just poking the right switch while someone was with me verifying my progress (without a Oculus headset on). However, that's somewhat impractical.
They did a really good job, and when it was released, it was probably absolutely perfect for learning flows. Without updates or being able to modify the flows, it's not really a flow trainer anymore. But, it is still a decent tool to learn switch positions, what they do, the names of the panels, etc. There was a lot of hard work put into the application, and that is appreciated.
Awesome tool for study while overseas. I would highly suggest besides the ability to modify or create your own flows, if there was an option for using it while seated as well, maybe a reset view command so I don't need to be standing while performing the procedures
Familiarization Only. This is great for familiarization with the aircraft, but s others have said, not with your company flows. Developers, please give us the ability to customize the flows ourselves.
Not bad if you’re at Air-generic. This is great. Switches all have labels in explore mode to help you figure out where and what everything does. Downside they have flows, emergency procedures, that are generic. That means you can’t use your own company recommended checklist. If that’s your intent save your $$ and get the demo as a virtual “paper tiger”.
Wish you could somehow import or setup a flow or even have a user library of flows you might use that apply to your airline.
Almost there... but not quit there yet. Procedures: Generic only… without the ability to cater individual operator differences this will remain as a “hobbyist” tools. For training purpose every single step need to be very precise. Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to ask you manage all operator’s procedure. Instead you can:
1. Add an in-app pdf reader so user can have their own FCOMs on hand
2. Make the checklists open for editing so users can edit their own version. If better, make a Library function for everyone to upload their airline specific procedures.
Big potential ! First of all fun to be able to sit in a well designed cockpit and go through a ton of procedures. I personally bought it because I thought it was possible to train with a teacher or friends as the video shows. But that is not possible! And you can’t upgrade or purchase a version where this is possible so the promo video is misleading in that sense. Hopefully in a near future developers will release that option as it’s obvious it’s developed already. From that point this would take on a whole new level as one get tired after a while of pushing the same buttons in the same sequence, although there’s an exploring mode that lets you push (not all but) many buttons and gives you information (not super detailed, but if you haven’t flown as pilot you can always google this information for more details). You can’t land but you can take off. So a bit pricey for the stage it’s at but much potential for awesome flight training in a hopefully not to far away future. Would be awesome to have multiplayer, be able to watch eg. YouTube or purchase add on’s training videos inside the cockpit (like real-fishing VR) and it would be nice to be able to talk to traffic control, just a few question options that you would get wrong or right to pass exams or be valuated verbally. The explore mode could also be connected to teaching videos and in general there’s great opportunities for up-sale in game purchases. Perhaps this could also lower the app cost.
Near perfect portable cockpit trainer! Great product! Will be super helpful in my airline training. Would be great if the app continues to improve with more details as time goes on, for example simulating some of the MCDU pages and having a way to type in some waypoints/flt pln with an on-screen keyboard instead of skipping over.
Some small improvements I think will help greatly: - Being able to adjust the speed of the AI pilot hitting buttons animation. Sometimes AI hits them so fast I couldn't see what they just did. Would be nice to be able to slow down or speed up to your liking. - An option to have the info page (that displays info on the current step of the checklist) be draggable and displayed where you like it instead of attached to a controller and having to hold down a button. I find myself constantly looking down at my other controller for reference and would be nice to be able to adjust the placement. - Having a section on interactions with pushback tug driver instead of skipping over. - At all points where a box displays in front of you (like when it says "Say Departure Briefing" or "Request ATC Clearance") have it so you have to press a "Continue" button to continue. I noticed some points had a Continue button and some didn't. I think it'd be nice if they all had the button to allow time for you to practice saying a departure briefing out loud for example. As it stands now the sim auto-continues after 5 seconds I believe.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I will still be utilizing a flight simulator with VR to fill in the gaps in training but being able to practice cockpit flow anywhere without a desktop with the Quest 2 is great. Again great job with the product and thank you for making it available for non-commercial use for student pilots. I'm hoping for an AppLab release of the 737NG at some point and will be purchasing for sure once available.