「Into the Metaverse」は、過去、現在、未来のシーンを見せながら、より深い没入感を求める人類を表現したテーマパークライドです。テーマパークの乗り物で、よく作りこんだ風景と一連のシーンを旅するような演出がお好きな方は、VRでそのような体験の再現に驚き、楽しんでいただけると思います。VRは究極のテーマパークライドを可能にするテクノロジーになること間違いなしです。今回のダークライドはデモ版で10分間お試しいただけますが、その素晴らしい世界をもっと体験したくなると思いますよ。ダークライドの未来がVRでどうなるのか、ぜひご覧ください!
Still my favorite VR experience I’ve had. This is what there needs to be more of. The roller coaster games don’t correlate that well to VR, 1 for motion sickness and 2 going down a hill in VR just doesn’t hit the same as a real roller coaster. But this isn’t that, this is similar to the slow dark rides you’d find at Disney or other amusement parks. Where you’d sit back relax and enjoy the scenery and story telling without any motion sickness. And the plans for the game make me excited to see the other rides. It’s gonna be like a little theme park of slow, relaxing rides with great story telling and scenery. Do yourself a favor and buy it, I’ve enjoyed the experience every time!
THIS, is what we need more of! I downloaded this one 2 years ago right after I purchased our Q2 headsets. I go back to it so often, just hoping there will be more added. When I saw the performance at the Globe theatre, I was totally SHOCKED at how amazing the artistic direction this ride was going, and just how much I felt a part of the experience itself. You feel like you're there!!
I have always been a HUGE fan of dark rides. From Old Chicago in the 70s and their "The Four Seasons" dark ride, to Disney Land and Disney World's dark ride gems aplenty, and then that awesome "Adventures of Sinbad" @Lotte World in Seoul, Korea. I simply can't get enough of em! I believe that this platform is PERFECT for that kind of thing.
I mean, look...I don't mind shooting zombies, etc., but sometimes a person just wants to chill and enjoy the ride! If every dev realized how much time they could save avoiding combat mechanics and just designed a fabulous journey of escapism, we experience junkies would buy em left and right. They're just too fun, immersive, and perfect after a busy day as a lovely way to wind down. I want to thank y'all for providing such a beautiful, and educational experience. I can't wait to see more! If you're new to Quest 2-3, you love dark rides? Get it...like, right now!!
これこそ私がVRに求めるものだ...。私はいつも、最高のVR体験はDK2時代の素晴らしいデモだと考えていた。そこでは、トリプルAゲームの蜃気楼を追い求めることは、家の中にエプコット・センターを持たせることよりも重要ではないように思えた。このアーリーアクセスタイトルはこの雰囲気に大きく傾倒しており、昔の素晴らしい「Welcome to Oculus」デモを思い起こさせる。テンポの良い体験の中で、本当に良いアニメーションが素晴らしく、途中には素敵なサプライズもある。HLAlyxではないのは明らかだが、そうであってほしいとは思わなかった。大好きだ。
投稿者:Simon Indelicate
This is what I want from VR... I always thought the every best VR experiences were the great demos from the DK2 era, where chasing the triple A gaming mirage seemed less important than letting me have the Epcot center in my house. This early access title leans heavily into this vibe - reminding me of the brilliant old Welcome to Oculus demo and promising loads more as things get added. Really good animations that look great in a well paced experience with some lovely surprises along the way. It's not HLAlyx, obviously, but I didn't want it to be - I wanted it to be exactly what it is. Love it.