Your subscription membership includes Unlimited self-guided VR Therapy
Self-guided therapeutic VR experience for at-home-use When you need it - no therapist needed. Based on Science Powered by virtual reality. Weekly Peer Support Groups Thursday 9.30 AM PT
Meet in groups and your experience with “The Gift VR” Safe and supportive online space with other community members All led by a Community Facilitator - hosted on Discord online Community What is The Gift VR?
It's a self-guided therapeutic VR experience for at-home-use when you need it. No therapist needed. Based on Science Powered by virtual reality. Based on elements from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Polyvagal Theory (aka. breath work), Bilateral Stimulation, Motivational Interviewing and the latest neuroscience discoveries. "Come Therapy Differently with Us"
The Giftを使うことは、本当に美しい体験でした。このアプリでは、穏やかな感覚を呼び起こすような美しい風景がいくつも用意されています。私は瞑想を通じてマインドフルネスを実践していますが、このような体験は初めてです。多くの人は、感情が体の緊張や不快感として現れることを意識していません。ギフトは、自分の身体と同調する方法を提供し、ネガティブな考えや感情を身体から取り出すことを視覚化する方法を提供します。私は首と背中の上部に緊張がありましたが、その緊張を取り除く動作をすることで、実際にそれらの筋肉がリラックスし、軽快な感覚を覚えました。自分の中から取り出した感情の玉が大きくなっていくのが力強く感じられました。その玉に特徴や色、動きをつけることで、自分の気持ちを表現することができるのは面白いですね。感情を取り除くことで、自分を癒す方法を創造し、思い描き、ポジティブなアファメーションを自分に与えることができるようになりました。私は赤ん坊のように泣きましたが、体験が終わった後、大きな安堵感を覚えました。何も知らずに参加しましたが、私にとっては強烈な体験でした。このアプリは、深い内観をするための安全な空間を提供してくれます。ストレス、うつ、不安、ネガティブな感情といったものの処理に悩む人にとって、The Giftは本当にプレゼントになると思うので、ぜひ誰にでも勧めたいと思います。 これは1回使っただけの経験ですが、このアプリを使い続けて、他の人にもぜひ見せたいと思っています。
Beautiful Experience. Using The Gift was a truly beautiful experience. The app provides several beautiful landscapes that invoke a sense of calm. I practice a lot of mindfulness through meditation, but I have never experienced anything like this. Many people aren't aware of how emotions can manifest as tension or discomfort in the body. The Gift gives you a way to become more in tune with your body and provides a way to visualize taking the negative thoughts or emotions out of the body. I had a lot of tension in my neck and upper back, but going through the action of removing that tension actually relaxed those muscles, and I felt a sense of lightness. It was powerful to see the ball of emotion that I was removing from myself growing. It was interesting to give that ball characteristics, color, and movement in order to have some representation of how you are feeling. Getting rid of those emotions paved the way to create and envision a way to heal yourself and provide yourself with positive affirmations. I cried like a baby but felt a great sense of relief after the experience was over. I didn't know what to expect going into it, but it was an intense experience for me. This app provides a safe space for you to do some deep introspection. I would definitely recommend this to anyone because I believe The Gift really is a present to those struggling with handling things like stress, depression, anxiety, or negative emotions. This is my experience after just using it one time, but I'm definitely excited to continue using the app and showing it to others.
an happy relief. The approach in my opinion is somewhat a mix between meditation and therapy. usually in these practices you could be asked to visualize an emotion or a situation. With The Gift the experience goes beyond: it felt I could interact with the objects of my mind, moving them around, feeling them in the space. In a short time I managed to feel relief and be calmer. Looking forward new features!
Fantastic app,huge potential, a few bugs. TLDR: you have to try it for yourself, it’s really good and you get an instant hit of well-being and feel great after a single use.
Firstly this is a great app, there are a few really good mediation apps for VR and they mostly tread a similar path, some better than others but more or less the same. So when I was asked to try this one out my expectations were that it would be more of the same, perhaps with a different environment. How wrong I was!
This app stands alone, in a space that’s increasingly crowded, The Gift stands out as they have chosen a completely unique path, it’s difficult to describe and easier if you just try it. But for the benefit of this review, rather than focus on teaching mindfulness techniques or helping you build a routine etc, this app is an instant hit of feel good. You only have to use this once to immediately feel the benefits of it, you get a physical feeling of well-being and you get what you bring to it, that is to say the way in which the guided mediation is worded, it’s open enough that you bring your own issues or challenges to it and the app guides you towards resolving them. Seriously I haven’t done it justice by trying to explain it, just have a go for yourself.
I also like the personal touches, the first thing you see when you start the app is the dev team and the first thing you hear is the voice of the CEO explaining the purpose of the app, I found this very inviting and really brought across the personal nature of the work and the team who created it, it made me feel more like a guest in a one-to-one setup and I think I got more out of it because of that.
By the nature of the small, independent team who created this it’s not without its bugs or issues. For example it doesn’t feel polished to me, the background contrast isn’t quite right so when you are in some of the darker environments (like my personal favourite where you are in space looking down on the earth) you can’t quite see the orb in the foreground and lose some of the definition. The voiceover is a little grating and I don’t feel it’s quite right for the aim of this experience. The actual method of selecting the background isn’t very intuitive, the number of times I’ve accidentally selected a background I didn’t want then instantly been taken into the meditation then I have no way of changing it or returning to the main menu unless I restart the app or continue with a background I didn’t want. These are small issues that will hopefully be fixed as the app moves forward but none of them are deal breakers for me. I’d like to see more meditations - a feeling of progress, day 1-10 etc. This would give more of a feeling of working towards a goal, more replay-ability so you are on a journey rather then one off experience. This would give you that all important dopamine hit and a feeling of achievement rather than a one and done experience. My feeling is if it’s too easy the outcomes won’t stick whereas if you feel like your working towards and building upon something and have earned it, the effects will be more long term.
These are just my constructive suggestions though, my overwhelming feeling towards this application is a positive one and I wish the devs well. Just download it and give it a go.
Very helpful for deep issues. I am quite new to VR, so was a bit concerned about using the gift for my mental wellbeing as I’m used to Human interaction, but I’m happy I did. I worked on a deeper problem and was really happy with the general experience reg. The space, the guidance, the sounds etc, but the best thing was that it really works!! Pulling out the negative feeling and getting a more positive gift back from within myself felt so good and very empowering. Since doing the experience I haven’t had the problem to the same degree, and instant lasting change is worth the most in my book. So if you have something deeper you want to work on and want instant results, this might be for you. Thank you to the team!
Very Uncomfortable. I'm a big fan of meditation VR apps... I have some pretty gnarly ADHD so I need guided meditation or I'm dead in the water when it comes to focusing. Trip, and guided meditation are both fantastic and I thought this would be similar for helping me ease anxiety and stay focused... But man... WTH is up with the voice over? The whole "point and click me" thing gets way overstated and I'm going to be completely honest here... The diolag sounds like someone has taken me into their basement, exposed themselves, and is trying to justify they're actions by sounding all divine and spiritual like it was done for my own good in the name of the lord. Made me feel gross like some evangelical mega church gospel garbage. By the end I was laughing hysterically saying "c'mon are you serious with this?"... I uninstaled but not before making a few friends go though it to see if maybe I was missing something or if it really was as creepy as I thought. The emotions were mixed with only 1 person as dumbfounded as myself. However none of the people I showed felt like it was beneficial especially in comparison to other similar apps with a much better sense of dialog and direction. I will say thanks for the laughs.
投稿者:Kevin White
での変容的なセラピー体験。太極拳、Tripp、Cosmic Flow、Supernaturalガイド付き瞑想など)私は世の中にあるあらゆるVRセラピーアプリを試してきたが、HorizonMind社のThe Gift - Betaをテストする機会を得た。単なる誘導瞑想ではなく、段階を追った(再利用可能な)セラピー・ツールであり、精神的な悩みにレーザー・フォーカスを当て、それを手放し、空虚さをポジティブさと目的に置き換えることを教えてくれる。私はこのアプリが大好きで、深刻なストレスや不安に直面したときはいつでもこのアプリに戻っています。
Transformative therapuric experience in. I’ve tried every VR therapy type of app out there (Tai Chi, Tripp, Cosmic Flow, Supernatural guided meditation, etc.) I was given the chance to test The Gift - Beta by HorizonMind and it is by far the most impactful, seriously therapeutic experience available in VR as of 2021. It’s not simply guided meditation, it is a step-by-step (reusable) therapy tool that gives you laser focus on your mental hangups, teaches you to let them go, and replace the void with positivity and purpose. I love this app, and I go back to it any time I am facing serious stress and anxiety.
An amazing experience that truly helps! I personally deal with a lot of stress and anxiety relating to my life goals. When I went into The Gift I decided that my big problem that I would focus on during the experience would be the anxiety I've been having relating to the idea that I may not be successful with my ongoing business project.
The initial meditative breathing segment of the experience relaxed me right away which helped me think clearly about the stresses I have been dealing with. I was amazed at what I was experiencing when I was instructed to pull the negative thoughts and problems out of my body. It was very cool to be able to think of something negative, pull it out of my head, and then see a dark, spherical representation of it in the virtual world. Being able to then take control of the dark sphere and watch it transform into a visual representation of something positive was remarkable. With this positive visualization I envisioned my gift to be an orb that relays positive messages to me when I worry about things.
This was truly a great experience for me. It has shown me that although I may have worries and fears, I can come to understand these stresses and view them in a more positive way in the future. I came out of the experience with the notion that I can achieve my goals, but that I need to have patience and trust that when I inevitably fail, the people that I am fortunate enough to have in my life will love and support me all the way to the finish line, just like they always have.
The HorizonMind team did a great job with this experience. I look forward to seeing more content from them in the future!
This is one Gift We All Need to Receive! I meditate regularly so I was very interested to see what The Gift could offer. I'm a very strong person by nature and am always helping people whenever I can. But this trait can often drain my own emotional tank quickly leaving little for self care at the end of the day. I lost my mom in late June in unexpectedly, before she passed and she was no longer able to talk the doctors looked to me to make her medical decisions. The day after she passed a very dear friend lost their battle to cancer. Three weeks later a second friend that I didn't even know had cancer also passed. Outwardly I was still strong and managing fine. But inside was another story. I felt at war with myself, I had to be strong for everyone. There was no time for me to grieve, no time to process 3 losses. I was frustrated with myself, even angry. Then I tried Horizon Mind. I went through the process and I shed some tears. I asked for patience, I needed it desperately. Not for anyone else, but for myself. I needed to accept that it's okay to not always be everything to everyone. To not always have all the answers. That just because I can do it alone doesn't mean I should have to. I got the gift of realizing I can and should reach out. It was definitely what I needed. I think this program can help many people given the chance. I hope others will find it as enlightening as I did!
史上最高のメンタルヘルス・アプリ " 私はThe Gift - Betaを試す機会を得て、数週間経った今でも心に残る個人的な啓示を楽しむことができたことにとても感謝しています。私は、私たちが置かれている微妙な社会情勢についての意見の違いから、生涯の友人から締め出された悲しみと戦っていました。このアプリを使って「ギフト」のことを知り、自分自身を映し出す鏡と、自分に欠けていると感じていた自分の親友としての能力や自分への思いやりというギフトを受け取ることができました。それ以来、私は自分の進むべき道についてはるかに平穏になり、最近直面した損失にもかかわらず、より「全体」を感じています。HorizonMindのアイデア、デザイン、開発者の素晴らしいグループが気に入っています。セラピーや個人的な場面で良い影響を与えてくれると思います。素晴らしいものを作ってくれてありがとう!"
Greatest App for mental health EVER! " I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to try The Gift - Beta and enjoy a personal revelation that still sticks to me weeks later. I was battling with the grief of being shut out by a life-long friend due to different opinions about the delicate social climate we are in. When using the app, I learned quite a bit about The Gift and was able to receive the gift of a mirror reflecting myself and my ability to be my own best friend and have compassion for myself that I felt was lacking. Since then, I have been far more at peace about the path I am on and feel more “whole” despite the losses I have recently faced. I love the idea, design, and great group of developers of HorizonMind. I think this will make a positive impact in therapy and personal settings. Thank you for creating something amazing!"
A beautiful experience. What you put in is what you get out. If you allow yourself to have a powerful experience, you won't be disappointed. I found myself in tears as I went through the guided experience. If you're willing to examine yourself and engage, you can do some real inner work with this tool and the guidance it provides.
The Gift That Keeps on Giving. 私は自分がThe Giftの恩恵を受けられるかどうか、少し懐疑的でした...しかし、自分がどれほど具体的な体験をしたか、畏敬の念を抱きました。セッションに持ち込んだストレス、不安、恐怖は、数週間後には現実に対処しなければならないものになっていました。私は、事前にそのことについていくつかの明快さと平和を受け取ったことに感謝しています。
The Gift That Keeps on Giving. I was a bit skeptical about my own ability to benefit from The Gift... but I was in awe of how tangible of an experience I had. The stressor, anxiety and fear I brought into the session actually became something I had to deal with in reality a few weeks later. I was appreciative to have received some clarity and peace about it beforehand, as it certainly helped me face the problem in real life.