1. Crush Extinguishing Agent A into a membrane in a mortar and pestle. 2. Add Extinguishing Agent A to 20 ml of distilled water and stir with a glass rod. 3. Crush Extinguishing Agent B in a mortar and pestle. 4. Add Extinguishing Agent B to 20 ml of distilled water and stir with a glass rod. 5. add 3 ml of 1% starch solution to the first horizontal row of the test paper in three 9-plate grooves. 6. add 3 ml of 1% albumin solution to the second horizontal row in three 9-groove rows. 7. in the first row, add 3 ml of iodine-potassium iodide solution in three 9-groove rows. 8. add 3 ml of burette solution to the second horizontal row in three 9-groove rows. 9. in the first vertical row, add 3 ml of distilled water into the three vertical rows of 9 plates. 10. in the second vertical row, add 3 ml of Digestant A solution to each of the 3 vertical rows of 9 plates. 11. in the third row, add 3 ml of Extinguishing Agent B solution into each of the three 9-groove rows. 12. Increase the temperature of the room to 38°C. 13. Observe what happens in the 9-plate groove
<Results A contains a large amount of protease digestive enzyme, which breaks down proteins well. B contains a large amount of diastase enzyme, which breaks down carbohydrates.